Good news and more good news

Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by The_vett, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. The_vett

    The_vett Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    I do have good news ,

    California ( I know how most feel and I hear you but this is different) ,and there may be more states , i don't know of, have revised there written driving tests for the dreaded 4 wheeler, and they have added questions about you , the Truck Driving Professional. I am thrilled about this because it is a start on the path to get the 4 wheeling public that care, educated. The ones that don't care will weed themselves out, no matter how much we educate them.
    The DMV is a great start , they have a long way to go but this is a start.

    1. They are seeing just how they are dangerous they truly are.

    2. They know 4 wheelers are the problem , especially to You Professional Driver.

    3. They are willing to do something about it.

    More good news is for the first time in years we are at a low in accidents,(even with larger numbers being on the roads) and those accidents are causing less fatalities.
    For me I am grateful that the DMV knows at least a bit of the problems and are willing to take action. I love you Drivers, I know you save lives every time you drive, and it won't happen overnight, but you will get what you deserve, with safety and respect and more. Because you do so much more than Drive. I am no Einstein , if I can see it everyone can. Thank You.
    Freddy57 Thanks this.
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  3. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    It won’t change anything they also ask at what distance do you safely follow the vehicle traveling in front of you . And at what distance do you put your turn signal on? They still ride your ### and don’t use their turn signals…. keep wishing I like optimistic people
  4. The_vett

    The_vett Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    :) I will . I want miracles to happen. You have helped them happen for me, and I want them to happen for you. At first I had ideas that everyone was going to learn fast and our roads were going to be utopia ....and everyone was going to appreciate Drivers as they should. And even the zipper into one lane was going to go smooth I have discovered that most cars don't care bout much of anything but themselves.

    So every rotten 4 wheeler that cuts you off and makes me cringe when I see it and I see everyday, if he gets a message not to do that and all the other things as well, and he listens and stops his dangerous behavior, that is a miracle to me. Just being alive and being on the road with you all is my paradise. I know something most don't know, that is Truck Drivers in general are unique, funny, are tough , can read others like a book. And more too but you are humble. ......LOL...with a one or two exceptions.o_O. For the most part.
  5. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Good news is relative. I'm happy to hear the lower accident stats, on a recent cc trip, I didn't ONE problem relating to trucks,,in 3 separate construction zones, however, there were 3 separate car rear enders. I have said all along, our truck drivers are the best. The 4 wheeler thing? Sorry, won't happen, and the reason is, our society practically demands 4 wheelers to drive the way they do today. In our instant gratification society, driving is horribly slow, and the worst part of many peoples day. I don't think truck drivers today have it any different on the roads, 4 wheelers have always been our bane, it's the scheduling and HOS that cause todays truck drivers to have an incident, not the highways so much. And last, California,,,:rolleyes:, my daughter lives in L.A., California is the best of places and the worst of places. Clearly in a world of their own, and if the greed doesn't eventually consume them, the ocean will.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    The_vett Thanks this.
  6. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Medium Load Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    There are also speed limit signs that should be adhered to with potentially stiff penalties for ignoring them but that doesn't stop 85 percent of drivers from speeding.

    These states can write anything they want and the drivers will respond with what the state wants to hear. Out on the road it's a totally different story. Following too closely is huge. Triple digit speeds are huge. Rollerovers have become an epidemic.

    Obviously, writing these down and posting signs isn't working.
    The_vett and Last Call Thank this.
  7. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    The reason why driverless vehicles are such a big dream with the highway utopians is the ability to make everyone travel in a synchronized lockstep military style parade. Were every vehicle communicates and knows exactly what the other one is thinking, wanting, and going to do. No psychotic killer emotions or prescription drug mind altered decisions to cause foul ups. Just finely tuned sewing machine like consistency and flow.
    The_vett and 201 Thank this.
  8. The_vett

    The_vett Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    I wish I had a good argument to counter you with, but what comes to mind is a quote from Jim Morrison : "I donno, I donno whats gonna happen man , but I am gonna get my kicks in before the whole s**thouse go up in flames."

    I will do what I can about 4 wheelers , I am a dreamer. Greed is a true evil, and something most humans have in their make-up. One of the many reasons I love Truck Drivers is most are not consumed with greed, you are all for the most part good humans at a time when most humans are not good. We wont be around long in the scheme of things, but I am not going to cry about it. I am grateful to have been born and WOW the fifties started so many good things. All of those things are dying off , Still , I try to keep my eye on the good things in my life, and do what I can to stand up for what is right even if I stand alone. I know one thing when I am out on the road, Drivers are the best and you all make my life wayyyy better , you have greatness , and weather you know it or not you are fighting in a war, and you are on the good side. Thank You All . I love you.
    201 Thanks this.
  9. The_vett

    The_vett Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    It is not my dream. I am old school, but time marches on. What you describe , is how the powers want us all. They are the queen bee. And you can believe they want us doing their bidding ,with them taking the cake and that is the bottom line. The powers, and I am not prejudiced im talking any and all of them are greed monsters. This is not a political problem, it is a human problem. Some may not even know they are. I cannot help it ~~~~1984~~~~comes to mind.

    With our cell phones they know all and the cell phones communicate to each other, they already have a whole lot of their dream going on. Satellite's can see our every move.

    Being different makes us human and in spite of all the bad we have going on ...... Vivi La Difference ... LIFE IS GOOD

    I love you all , you have eyes that see more than most humans. Please everyone stay safe.
    201 Thanks this.
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