good or bad

Discussion in 'DeBoer' started by ellis44, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. trucker1986

    trucker1986 Bobtail Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    well white dog I lived in central IL right in the middle of there traffic lanes and they would keep me away from Illiniois and lie to me about not able to get me home becuse of freight and other drivers tell me that they have deliverd close to were I live.
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  3. eagle93

    eagle93 Bobtail Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    i worked for deboer not a good company they will lie to you. you may not get paid for weeks at a time.less then 300 miles a day.they will charge you for late loads. checks less then $400.00 a week if you are lucky to get paid that weeks. Drivers are leaving everyday.
  4. dragintransport

    dragintransport Bobtail Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Stay clear of DeBoer... I drove for them for 7 months and my checks were never more than $400. Barely got 2000 miles a week if I was lucky. Lot of sitting around waiting for loads. Waited for dispatch to call back... and waited.... and waited.
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