Got a ticket at a rest stop in Cumby, Tx.

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by Snow Hater, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. Magoo1968

    Magoo1968 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2021
    St Malo mb
    Many guys who preach trip planning often run on recap so it’s easy to plan if you only work 8.75 hrs a day on average.. I know my stops and the odd time it’s packed solid for hours because the road was or is closed .. if I get a ticket for parking illegally im fine but I refuse to park where it’s unsafe .. in Canada we don’t have the luxury of choice sometimes because the next parking spot is 2 to 4 hrs away.
    Lite bug Thanks this.
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  3. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    Yeah, they love to screw with people down around there. Two nights ago I saw people booting trucks in the Walmart parking lot at 1:00 am in Texarkana. Over on the other side of the lot was a Walmart truck among a couple others. I wonder if he got a boot too!:rolleyes:

    Meanwhile up in Terre Haute last night, nobody gives crap. Trucks everywhere in the lot across from Planet Fitness.
  4. BillyBobFrank

    BillyBobFrank Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2022
    Do you deny that there's not enough parking for the amount we pay in taxes?
  5. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Everyone acts like they can just pave a lot for trucks to park and once it’s done it’s done. The part about the state having to hire more employees to go around and clean up after the slobs is often ignored. Taxes are irrelevant because we all know what we pay is wasted on pet projects and funneled into foreign wars. So that puts the burden onto the state and local governments because even if something is built with federal grant money the money for maintenance and cleaning isn’t coming from the federal government. And regardless of what people think, anyone that’s been out here long enough knows that you can have a brand new parking lot and there will be a pee bottle and possible a bag of poop out there somewhere after trucks park the first night.
    LOTSO and drvrtech77 Thank this.
  6. BillyBobFrank

    BillyBobFrank Light Load Member

    Nov 7, 2022
    That's because people are lazy scum, but that's not an excuse to neglect the need for parking. If you're going to steal our money, it needs to be used properly.
  7. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    That’s never a thought I’ve had. I rarely use state funded parking.
    LOTSO and Long FLD Thank this.
  8. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    So get a politician to pass a bill saying that fuel tax money has to only be used for highways and parking. Or try on the local level to raise property taxes to fund parking lots.

    Truckers are their own worst enemy, whether people want to acknowledge that or not. States try and do the right thing by allowing parking at closed scales until the cost of trash removal becomes too much. Parking lots with no facilities would end up the exact same way. If there were private options that cost money some of us would have no issues with that but the ones that feel they are owed a spot to park because they have a CDL wouldn’t use those options either.
    Magoo1968, kylefitzy and LOTSO Thank this.
  9. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Over by a place that I delivered in Dallas, where trucks can park on the street waiting to deliver at either the facility that I delivered at or performance foods across the street. There’s bags of trash dumped on the side of the street by drivers that were parked there, even though performance food group has a dumpster inside their gate, which their gate is open around the clock that drivers can use… Too many drivers are slobs
  10. buzzarddriver

    buzzarddriver Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    But the problem is, you cannot get to the truck parking at that overpass from the rest areas, Going west, you take exit 112 for the parking area at the overpass before the rest area and then the service road goes behind the rest area to get to the entrance ramp at Cumby. Going eastbound, you have to take exit 110 to get to the truck parking area and that service road goes behind the rest area to the parking area at the overpass. The EB parking area is about twice the size of the westbound area, but with the overpass it is easy to get to either.
  11. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    Heaven forbid you go to the next exit and turn around.
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