Got a ticket at a rest stop in Cumby, Tx.

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by Snow Hater, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. Garth212

    Garth212 Bobtail Member

    Nov 6, 2024
    This rest area is outside the Cumby city limits. Cumby police were never given authorization to issue tickets at this rest area, Cumby did not annex the property as claimed either. They issued 1,174 parking tickets at $200.00 each in May of 2023 alone. This video is part 1 of getting justice for the victims.
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  3. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    I recently spoke with a DOT officer in Texas. (Not because I was caught doing anything wrong or stopped, but because I wanted answers.) He told me that if you are kicked off of the property, you do not KNOW where any parking is. You might not even KNOW where the nearest spot is. I mean, what if you're not familiar with the area, and you didn't know about a little podunk truck stop with 3 spots that was buried in the woods 5 miles away in the wrong direction, but you decided to proceed PC in the right direction looking for a spot and you go 50 miles before finding one? Is DOT going to yell at you for not going the wrong way? No. Well, he shouldn't anyway.

    The DOT guy told me that if you legit are kicked out of your shipper or receiver and are out of time, you may PC toward your destination if you stop at EVERY possible truck stop and rest area and see if you can find safe parking. Let HIM see that you TRIED. That's what he wants to see. He said you're not advancing a load if you're just looking for parking. He said we don't expect you to drive in the wrong direction since you don't even know if the closest spot in the wrong direction has parking, either.

    Its unrealistic to expect a commercial driver to intentionally drive in the wrong direction looking for parking that may not even exist. You shouldn't be punished for being held up against your will by a 3rd party and then be forced to drive at your companies expense, completely unpaid, in the wrong direction looking for a phantom parking spot.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2024
    hotrod1653, dosgatos and BillyBobFrank Thank this.
  4. INRUT

    INRUT Medium Load Member

    Aug 21, 2016
    That’s how I used to justify PC from Jersey to Ohio. Matter of fact, any port, what are you going to do, board a ship to park it ? Everyone gets to worked up over these laws. If you get a log inspection they only go back your past 7 days anyway.
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