H&R Transport

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Rat Fink, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. ukalberta

    ukalberta Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I did...all the way back to England, like so many other drivers they recruit from Europe.
    Does anyone know the turnover percentage for drivers at H&R?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2009
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  3. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Nearly as bad as TranX...about 200%/year...

    There are at least THREE companies you DO NOT want to work for in Canada..H & R, TransX & Bison...which by the way is now mostly owned by TransX

    If recruiters call you from ANY of these companies...laugh hysterically & hang up on them!
  4. ukalberta

    ukalberta Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Thanks for the warning wildcat, I came over and I had to pass the Canadian class 1 even though I had a class 1 in England, no problem, but I thought it was a bit of a rip-off when nurses and cops coming over don't pay re-training costs themselves.

    They are now recruiting again in the UK in September!

    My wife Cath, came as a passenger, and kept a blog, ( google...cath in canada) which I am now using to try and shame the company recruiter somewhat, as we simply didn't get the miles and earned bugger all, even though I said we were willing to stay out 30 days and re-set anyplace!

    Loads of Brits have returned home broke... but we may rerturn to Canada some time as we loved the country and the people.

    200%? is that figure available to quote from any good source?
  5. ukalberta

    ukalberta Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    One of them was mine...I came back to the UK for a vacation and decided I couldn't afford to lose any more money at H&R. Google 'cathincanada' for the story.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  6. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Years ago I worked for Yanke Transfer our of Saskatoon, SK, they used to recruit in the UK, they guys I had met did good with them if you want to give it another go, that's who I'd stick with, and from personal experience they'd be the ones I'd go back to if I was looking to change what I did. When I worked for them of course the economy was in much better shape than it is now...but if you have the AMBITION and a POSITVE FORCEFUL attitude...you have to be able to plan way ahead & think on your feet...guys did well there.

    There used to be a place that kept score on driver retention, etc but I can't think of what it is..you might try "googling" just that and adding Canada to it....
  7. Gummiente

    Gummiente Light Load Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    From a total newbie's standpoint, can you tell me why this is so?
  8. ukalberta

    ukalberta Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I do have "AMBITION and a POSITVE FORCEFUL attitude", I don't think people travel across the world if they are lazy or shy as a rule, and it's ok planning ahead, but you don't know H&R until it's too late!.
    If I return to Canada (I still have time left on my temp work permit) it would probably be to the Maritimes.

    BTW: You do realise that the 200% figure is impossible?
  9. cliochannel

    cliochannel Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2007
    Never ever work for Bison either as a driver or owner operator. Or Byers, SLH (Sears Line Haul) or T-Lane, or Highland, or Shadow Lines.
  10. Gummiente

    Gummiente Light Load Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Again, can you please tell me why? PM me if necessary, but as a total newbie to the scene it would be helpful to know which companies to avoid. Unfortunately, all the companies listed in the "Report A Bad Company Here" thread are all specific to the USA so any help would be appreciated.
  11. rig_jockey

    rig_jockey Bobtail Member

    Sep 16, 2008
    Essex, Ontario
    It isn't impossible if they end the year with less drivers than they hired that year.

    example: Joe's Trucking has 15 employees. In 2010 they hire 5 and 10 quit. I think that would be 200% turnover? I might be wrong, wouldn't be the first time.

    Anyways, I've got my truck on with Landstar and I live in Ontario. I wouldn't recommend them for a Canadian driver, especially one outside of Ontario or Quebec.
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