H&R Transport

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Rat Fink, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Nope it's not, drivers who work for them last an average of 6 months...so that means a total staff turnover TWICE/per year...hense 200%

    And another thing...their dispatch staff lasts even less than that... I know a TransX driver who lost 3 fleet managers & 3 dispatchers in 4 months! Kind of tells you how they treat their people doesn't it?
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  3. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Unfortunately, I can't help you with Eastern companies at all...for me Canada ends at the AB/SK border, I run strictly in the far North...Arctic mostly, but I used to be leased on with Byers till about 6 months ago...they got bought out by TransForce...any company associated with them STEER CLEAR of...they have absolutely ZERO idea about trucking! They treat ALL of their staff like crap & the union ones they bought they pretty much drove into bankruptcy to break the unions...not that I have much use for unions...they just went about it VERY dirty.

    As far as companies listed...TransX, Bison, H & R, etc they're all the same...big promises...LIES, LIES & more LIES. They'll promise you the moon to sign on...but watch out...they'll run you hard till they think they got you then it's crap...that's why most only last 6 months or less.

    When you're first starting out is best to find yourself a mom & pop operation to start...learn, make your mistakes, & learn...
  4. Gummiente

    Gummiente Light Load Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    I'm originally from SK, so I agree with you on that one. :thumbright:

    Thanks for your reply!
  5. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    Most welcome!

    If you're looking at a big company...sometimes it's about the only place that will hire a total newbie...try Yanke, they used to have really good training programs...at least they didn't starve to death like the poor beggers who worked for H & R... it seems to me they are always looking for drivers in the east... they used to have a terminal in Brampton & they have decent equipment & run all over North America, they also have an online application... www.yanke.ca. But, my advise is TRY to stay on a "Canada Only" fleet till you gain a bit of experience...you have enough to learn with out adding border stuff & US DOT into the mix.
  6. ukalberta

    ukalberta Bobtail Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    My arithmetic is poor, but if you give the figure like that ie..6 months x2 won't that be 100% over 12 months ie, a complete clear out each year?
    It isn't that high at H&R but I know it's high.

    There are some very sad stories that have come out of that place from people who have emmigrated from Europe and ended up on the breadline, but STILL they recruit in the UK!
  7. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    NO, you are missing still...TOTAL staff turnover every SIX months...100% turnover every SIX months.

    There should be a law against it I guess..not that I like the gov't butting into private business...but I guess it tells you something when CANADIAN drivers won't work for them & they HAVE to recruit overseas.
  8. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    I am very surprised to see Bison there. Everything I have heard about them is positive and they are one of the companies I thought I might like to get on with down the road.

    Erb and Yanke are a couple more I've heard a lot of positive about. Would be curious to hear from anyone who has worked for them.
  9. Wildkat

    Wildkat <strong>Arctic Mistress</strong>

    Feb 24, 2008
    Somewhere North of 60
    I worked for Yanke about ten years ago, they were very good to work for, only reason I left was I didn't want to run stateside anymore, & at the time I needed to be closer to home. Still don't want to run stateside...., but I still know a few drivers who work for them & they still have nothing but good things to say about them.
    tinytim Thanks this.
  10. Hurryupandwait

    Hurryupandwait Light Load Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Canada, Northern Ontario
    I worked for Erb and they were/are a great company to work for. The pay is really good, if you want to be you are home pretty much every night (or day depending on your schedule). They take care of their equipment, good benefits, unlike some of the companies I've read about on here they will actually stand behind you if something goes wrong out on the road. I'm sure I could think of other nice things to say but I don't want people to think I'm a recruiter lol:biggrin_25519: oh one more thing stay as far away from Bison as you can.
    tinytim Thanks this.
  11. ragtopjr

    ragtopjr Light Load Member

    May 14, 2008
    I too was suprised hearing Bison as a Bad place, but it all goes back to the fact that you never know what a company until you have worked for them to see first hand...

    I was suprised that Siemans Transport was not on the Stay away from list ....

    I have yet to hear any positive stories about H & R....

    Good Luck getting in somewhere!
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