Has anyone heard about tradition transportation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by flo3817, Jan 27, 2017.

  1. Md420

    Md420 Medium Load Member

    Nov 2, 2015
    Hey bud you care if we talk. Message me.
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  3. Bigmike426

    Bigmike426 Bobtail Member

    Jan 3, 2020

    I went to orientation last week. They are so full of ####. First told me I would get my gas money back from driving up there in a rental. After Orientation I asked my dispatcher did they put it on my fuel card , He tells me he don't know anything about it , said he was gonna check it out. NEVER heard nothing from him. The charges and fees they charge for that lease program is outrageous !! Waited all day for aload which they said was gonna give me ...Never happened , if I did not find that load on the board he would have went home Friday and left me to sit until Monday. Load was supposed to deliver Monday the 6th. The weekend dispatch asked if I could deliver it Saturday 01/04/2020 and she would find me another load. Well I delivered it and all day I was asking her did she find me something .. Mighty funny after I delivered she stop answering the phone... The they don't tell you in orientation about they charge you too use their fuel card. I know #### well I spent 200 of fuel and my driver report said 250 , I spent 100 and the report said 150 , weighed the truck for 12 dollars and that report said 30 dollars ... I said F that , I filled that truck up and came home. I ain't about to go broke messing with these people. I should have listened to all the bad reviews in the post.. They can pick that truck up from the Pilot. I QUIT !! So don't go work for these people , the run game on you to get you there and promise you all these lies ....
    Triumph mc. Thanks this.
  4. shadowchasertransport

    shadowchasertransport Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Tybee Island.Ga
    Here is what happened to me.

    Attached Files:

    Highway_Executive and Triumph mc. Thank this.
  5. Majestic 670

    Majestic 670 Heavy Load Member

    May 10, 2016
    I've heard nothing but bad. They want loads pulled and dont pay the driver. I guess lease purchase is the traditional driverless revenue stream. We can get a driver to think like a owner take financial hits but the whole time it's a scheme to eliminate the driver pay and cost of up keep. They are more bold than ever because the key words are lease to own. You see if they really had your best interest in mind they would have the truck in your name them listed as lien holder. But as we all know they take in all of this money and when you try to sue ; you can't use the law under usury to prevent them from making you pay more than double. This industry is in the pitts. Its rough and painful to see the end result of a few issues pertaining to the push of tech and regulations being forced on drivers. I hope AB5 reaches across the nation buy your own truck and pay a person to operate. The drivers in California cried about unfair rates most contractors dont get paid a decent salary. I understand ab5 it's to ensure that companies aren't forcing people to get paid cash or 1099 To save companies from employment taxes etc.
    Triumph mc. Thanks this.
  6. Triumph mc.

    Triumph mc. Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2018
    Wow what a SCREW job
    Glad I left em alone
  7. Majestic 670

    Majestic 670 Heavy Load Member

    May 10, 2016
    They will use your wages to buy a new Keurig and eat lunch on you weekly. Hell they will give the real Christmas party and not invite any of the drivers.
  8. TruckLife914

    TruckLife914 Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2018
    I would like to know how much do you bring home a week? I’m considering coming over.
  9. TruckLife914

    TruckLife914 Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2018
    How much are you bringing home? How many miles are you getting a week ? How long do you stay out?
    I’m considering coming over to lease a truck.
    HardwareHyena Thanks this.
  10. Dark_Majesty_06

    Dark_Majesty_06 Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Poplar bluff, mo
    All these terrible stories and you want to "come over??" Maybe read the entire thread, do some research on google/indeed and go from there. Honestly, I would find a different company.
    Coffey Thanks this.
  11. SuthernLife

    SuthernLife Bobtail Member

    Feb 7, 2020

    Hey Angrytrucker85.. are you still with Tradition? thinking about joining up.. as I agree you make your own way in this industry and theres plenty of bs going on
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