According to TAB (Transportation Alliance Bank) Doug Pielsticker, Arrow President and CEO, committed fraud and was sued in civil court.
The 61 year old company went out of business in a matter of months.
Drivers were paid first with assets. Equipment was sold off to repay TAB.
Doug Pielsticker and other executives stood accused by TAB of bank fraud and wire fraud of 12.5 million dollars.
Why no criminal charges for any of them? Or were charges filed?
I can't find additional information on Arrow Trucking former executives.
Has Doug Pielsticker ever been prosecuted?
Discussion in 'Arrow' started by fr8te_sh8ker, Sep 15, 2013.
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He didn't use a gun. There will be no criminal charges, yet he is a thief.
So, if he stole your semi from you without using a gun would he be prosecuted?
His company garnished wages for child support and he stole that money... he didn't use a gun for that either.
Did I miss your point somehow? -
Nope... white collar crime is rarely prosecuted, except in the hereafter. The only folks with enough clout to do anything are at TAB, and all they could do is go after whatever assets he had left. The IRS no doubt has issues with him, and if he ever earns a penny again in this life, they will want their slice.
Sorry. Plan on dancing on his gravestone.LSAgentOZR, Jarhed1964 and Roadmedic Thank this. -
123456 Thanks this.
Doug pielsticker is currently executive vp of transpoint logistics in Dallas.
Jarhed1964 Thanks this. -
They prosecuted Bernie Ebbers of MCI fame and he's in for the rest of his life. My wife worked there and we probably lost 500K in retirement.
Look at Enron, Worldcom, and the banks anymore.Jarhed1964 Thanks this. -
Prosecution would be too kind for white collar criminals like him. Personally if it were up to me him and the rest of the thieving scum at that company would be subjected to a long, slow, violent, agonizing public execution, with every other major corporate CEO in the country forced to watch at gunpoint as a warning.
Jarhed1964 and BigRigFisher324 Thank this. -
slowpoke89 Thanks this.
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