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Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by dustin4841, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. Triple Digit Bullhauler

    Triple Digit Bullhauler Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2012
    001 anywhere USA
    Looks like receiver needs training in unloading heavy materials properly. Why was truck jackknifed when unloading?
    Dark_Majesty_06 and x1Heavy Thank this.
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  3. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    Across the street from where I work the helper rest his soul was trapped under the stone that did what we see happened to your load so its best to lower legs on trailer and stay in your truck till its unloaded
    x1Heavy and MagnumaMoose Thank this.
  4. me myself and I

    me myself and I Heavy Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    vernon hills,Il
    So you shouldnt have been jacknifed? Or could it be prevented by unloading evenly from both sides?
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  5. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    We had a pallet facility where the county Jail stands now, many years ago a forklift driver being very young about 20 and full of himself that monday morning doing doughnuts on gravel. Unfortunately for him once sufficient speed was reached in a tight enough circle the whole thing went upside down irrevocably crushing him to death. MASH. Done. His body was not even cold when we got the news in our safety meeting down the road so that dead silly worker became part of a lesson.
    dustin4841 Thanks this.
  6. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    Only way to put the trailer where they wanted it. And it probably would have been all right if they had unloaded the passenger side of the trailer first but didn't go that way and I'll never let somebody unload me while jackknifed again LOL
    Tb0n3 and x1Heavy Thank this.
  7. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    That's a horrible story I'm so sorry to hear of that but it does happen more often than many of us realize and it takes a situation like this sometimes to really kick you in the butt and make you think about stupid things like this. I don't think they would have been any danger whatsoever so long as the truck was straight but it just never clicked in my mind that my fifth wheel would put it the way that it did. I'm glad I've learned from that mistake and it was put into a situation where the only thing I lost was property and nobody was injured.
    baha, xsetra, Smut and 1 other person Thank this.
  8. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    With the amount of weight I had on the trailer and specifically that because it was on an A-frame made it completely unstable when one side of the A-frame was taken off the truck however if the truck would have been parked straight there is nowhere for the fifth wheel to Pivot thus the likelihood of this stupid mistake could but easily been avoided.
    x1Heavy Thanks this.
  9. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    After careful consideration of your statements, Let me ask you a question and then offer a thought for your consideration.

    Is that Congastoga a center frame trailer? Like a Ravens Covered Wagon or some other more generic Flatbed onto 5th wheel? Or is it a flat plate trailer like a Van under that deck where it meets the 5th wheel?

    The reason I ask this is when you are jacked 90 degrees, you probably know there is a risk of that whole deck rocking pretty good as the 5th wheel plate flops back and forth when forklift starts shoving under the load to pick it up.

    My thought is this.

    Was there any room at all behind that trailer and the left side of the deck for forklift to get maybe half that load? It appears to me like it's a complete rack with lots of vertical sheets of heavy stuff.

    Was the forklift even adequate for the job?
  10. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012

    Basically I had two full recovery on me one behind the other. The fork lift removed both side of the rear rack first. No issues. Then he went for the drivers side of the front rack and he only took about half of what was on that side. But it was just enough to mess the balance up and over she went. Myself and another worker we're on the deck doing the rigging so when it started to tip I #### sure thought it was going all the way. Insta butthole puvker
    x1Heavy and baha Thank this.
  11. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    I appreciate the post. Im hoping you got out from that little oops without getting mashed somewhere.

    I don't recall too many problems on the deck myself except several specific times I was sent to a huge mill up near Gary/Hammond area to pick up a roll of half inch steel coil at about 52000 pounds. It's 24 feet long and about 8 high and wide as the deck just about. The Mill would put that thing right dead center on my marker light without a inch off either way.

    Just getting that thing out of town each trip taught me how to be really scared. And you know each trip got a little bit easier, you get used to it. Those were monsters in their time.

    Im just happy I got away with loads like that. They were almost too tippy for me.
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