Heading to oreientation for "Good News Trucking Corp." Will Update Regularly

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by dustin4841, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. me myself and I

    me myself and I Heavy Load Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    vernon hills,Il
    Expensive lesson. Seems to me that the only option would've been to dolly down
    dustin4841 Thanks this.
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  3. Dark_Majesty_06

    Dark_Majesty_06 Road Train Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Poplar bluff, mo
    Heck of a story man! Read through all of it and I must say, I'm impressed. The stigma around 1099 and Chicago companies are insane! You proved us all wrong and showed that if you follow your gut and take a chance, that sometimes, just sometimes, good news will follow!!
    I was actually on the fence about a job in my area of Missouri that's 1099 but your success story has given me the insight, that maybe I should give them a chance!
    I can't wait to read more of your adventures and hopefully see a big ole W900 with a house on the back for you!
    dustin4841 Thanks this.
  4. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012

    I was almost 100% sure when I left Virginia and headed for Chicago I was going to spend more time getting there than I did actually being there for "orientation" but it's been pretty much awesome since day one. Always looking for a way to come in off of the road and be with the family full time so I don't know how much longer I'll be doing it but there's not many jobs making this kind of money where you get to wake up in your own bed everyday.
    Dark_Majesty_06 Thanks this.
  5. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    Hiring two more drivers ASAP!!

    Same deal as my first post in the thread. You can find all the information about money experience etc on page one. Expect to stay out 3 weeks at a time and take a week off occasionally you will get through the house during that 3 weeks to do a reset or to spend the night at home passing through but do not count on this to be regular. I expect to be away from home 3 weeks at a time and if I'm lucky enough to to to get by the house any during that trip I count that as a bonus.

    Pay is consistent with what they advertised $1800 + weekly, and paid on time weekly. Truck goes home with you and when you need any repairs they generally route you to the yard just West of Chicago. No Force dispatch run in the direction you want to run in.

    There is nobody here to Hold Your Hand you're given a load it generally pays extremely well and then it's up to you to get the job done and run the truck like it's your business. Be willing to take the initiative to call the broker or shipper if you need directions or two update them with your ETA. This company is not up your ### all day long they find you high paying Freight and the less time you spend bothering them the more time they have to find you higher paying loads. You start out at 40% of the truck gross and move up from there. All trailers are 53-foot step decks you must be willing to prove yourself and tarp your loads for the first couple of months and once you're proven yourself you will be given a Conestoga trailer. You will work hard and you will earn the best money I have ever seen in this industry. No steering wheel holders.
  6. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    Any more loads Del. yet??
  7. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    Definitely, coming up on my one year anniversary with them in October. For the most part everything has been more then I could have hoped for. Had a axle catch fire on Sunday so that was fun lol, but they keep me rolling and they find some great paying freight .
  8. IluvCATS

    IluvCATS Road Train Member

    Dec 1, 2014
    Seattle, WA
    Dustin, you proved the naysayers wrong. That’s awesome!
    dustin4841 and Smut Thank this.
  9. baha

    baha Road Train Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    Good to know all is well,
    dustin4841 Thanks this.
  10. dustin4841

    dustin4841 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012

    Hell I was one of the naysayers LOL I absolutely thought it was a load of crap when I took the job or at least when I went up there anyway. The only thing that would make this job any better would be newer equipment. They're talking about getting a few vans as well as a couple of low boys, and if that happens I'll definitely be trying to jump over to the lowboy.
    IluvCATS Thanks this.
  11. Oldironfan

    Oldironfan Road Train Member

    May 22, 2017
    What's the good news today?
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