Heading To Schneider

Discussion in 'Schneider' started by JimTheHut, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    Yesterday we went out to the yard and got to practice backing in close quarters and go over the chasis and the containers.
    I had a very difficult time with the backing. I was always too close on the driver's side and really struggled to get it in. Even though it had been since May that I last drove, I did not anticipate that. I really doubted if I would pass the test today. If I did fail, they would work with me on Thursday so I could pass.
    On the ride back, I was talking to the other drivers and realized I was setting up wrong.
    So today I had my pre-trip exam first. They give you a check list and you just have to point to everything on the list. You di have to do the actual air brake tests. You have to couple and de-couple the trailer. I then had to go on a road test for about 30 minutes. Lots of traffic..lol.
    Then it was time for the backing. My tester gave me a couple of tips that had me put it right in the hole perfectly. So I was greatly relieved. So I passed everything.
    There were more videos today and training on using the tablets for HOS and workflow.
    Tomorrow I will be with a trainer and actually go to the rail yards and do some actual loads.
    So it is progressing well!
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  3. Gearjammin' Penguin

    Gearjammin' Penguin "Ride Fast-Truck Safe"

    Feb 18, 2007
    Central AZ
    This is OK for starting out. But if you wish to improve your game (ask @TripleSix about that) you need to understand what you're pointing at, how it works, and how to identify if something is wrong. There are drivers with years on the road that literally don't know an alternator from an AC compressor, but they've performed a "proper inspection." Please don't end up being that guy.
  4. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    We are all experienced drivers who know how to do a pre trip. This is all that they are requiring for this portion of the training. I am just posting what I am doing in case anyone is interested. To do it properly you would have to do more than just identify each component.
  5. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    Got to drive all day today. Went to the Rail yards three times today. It was very interesting to see how it all worked!
    Lonesome, Opus and Albertaflatbed Thank this.
  6. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    Finished up my training here and I start with a local trainer for a couple of days starting at 0500 on Monday!
  7. JimTheHut

    JimTheHut Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2009
    Central Ohio-Go Bucks!
    I am just getting over Covid, thus the reason for no update. I did four days with my local trainer. Bryan was excellent. He was going to cut me loose after 3 but I asked for an additional day. The csx terminal in North Baltimore Ohio is much more to my liking than the ones in Chicago. Three lanes in and out instead of 10 or more...not sure of the exact amount, but it was a lot.
    The application that you use to get into and out of the csx terminal works pretty slick. Did not have any issues with it at all.
    Every morning so far, I have taken an empty up to Proctor and Gamble in Lima Ohio. Drop it and pick up a full one to take to the CSX yard in North Baltimore. Sometimes we take and mt from the yard or another full one and deliver to a customer.
    So far everything has worked smoothly. The only problem we encountered was getting held up by a train for 1.5 hrs. There was no way we were going to make it back to our yard in Marion. We were on our way to pick up my truck in Obetz. We picked it up, grabbed a nearby mt because we dropped a loaded container at our yard for someone else to deliver. We made it to the Sheetz near my house with only 2 minutes left on my 14. My wife came up and got me and my trainer spent the night in his truck. The next morning we headed out.
    There have been no issues with the chassis or the containers. Some of the doors are a pain to open, but none have been impossible.
    Our shop in North Baltimore has been awesome. They took care of a couple of issues that I had with my truck right away and they are a great group of guys.
    The workflow application on the tablet is very easy to follow. It lets you know exactly what you need to do next so there is really no guesswork if you did it all correctly.
    The biggest thing that I am impressed with so far, is how they stress that the driver has Stop Work Authority if he does not feel safe! That is a big one for me!
    I will be starting my shift on Tuesday which runs through Saturday. Be Safe Out There!
    Speed_Drums, JoeyJunk, Bumper and 4 others Thank this.
  8. keebler13579

    keebler13579 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    Has schneider gone to in cab cameras?
  9. KDHCryo

    KDHCryo Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2023
    No, camera out front, some trucks have side cameras videoing down the trailer.
  10. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    Sleeping in the truck 1/2 hour from home or whatever would get old ……..
  11. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Depends a lot on where you live and who you live with. Might be a godsend to a few fellas.
    Lonesome, FLHT and Cat sdp Thank this.
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