Heartland discriminates in its hiring practice!

Discussion in 'Heartland' started by Pasquale, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    Because they require it!
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  3. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    I know. I've been around enough to read between the lines.
  4. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    I'm glad your so quick to defend a mega trucking company! Lol
  5. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    I'm pulling a skateboard right now and have never had any problems and never will but thanks for assuming I'm a slob...... I also put in many years on drilling rigs so don't assume you know everything. Lol
  6. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    You should have been a attorney! Lol!
  7. Richter

    Richter Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    Philadelphia Pa
    Lol I just learned that from business school.
  8. Richter

    Richter Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    Philadelphia Pa
    I never said you were a slob, i said your medically defined as obease and a company thinks you will cost them more money weather its true or not. Just cuz you run flatbed doesn't mean anything. Flatbed is hard for light weight guys like me because i dont have enough weight to get the straps super tight.
  9. Pasquale

    Pasquale Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    Sounds like you might be a little on the petite size if you're light. Lol. That's good though these companies need all the help they can get to haul more weight. You're right anyone can pull flatbed it's no big deal.
  10. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    To the best of my knowledge they have nothing against overweight drivers. Been here over 4 years and I am about the same percentage over as you are. They do look at blood pressure though, and have their own number they use, which is lower than the DOT uses. Which they are allowed to do, since they can set a higher standard than DOT, just not lower
    We have allot of over weight drivers though, since we don't unload any freight and work our full 14 most days we tend to put on a few pounds.
    Pasquale Thanks this.
  11. Roadway0710

    Roadway0710 Bobtail Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    You're right Pasquale,I spoke with a Heartland Express recruiter and he ask me my height and weight.If you work for them and have long hair you MUST cut it to the length above a business collar if your a male.I spent 2 days in orientation in their Jacksonville Fl terminal and it was a waste of time.Ricky the instructor spent most of the time texting on his phone while the office girl did all our paperwork for us.It was the worst class I've ever been to,Ricky gave us a drivers handbook and told us read it at the hotel on our own time.They use the peoplenet communication system in their trucks,The E-Logs in this system are not subject to editing like the QUALCOMM system so you better not make a mistake on your logs.You must log a minimum of 16 minutes on you pretrips or your subject to termination if you violate.Their regional Fla runs are 90% all Night driving and their trucks have an Idle shutdown feature so good luck sleeping in the summer in your Prostar.Their slave labor mentality towards drivers was enough for me to withdraw my application.Good Luck drivers and be SAFE.
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