Hello from Idaho

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by SpeedyDelivery, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. SpeedyDelivery

    SpeedyDelivery Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Boise, Idaho
    Hello All.

    I'm not a truck driver as of yet, but I have been reading information from various sources including this blog. I don't have any questions because I've read several answers to the questions that I've had and I didn't like some of the answers because they were scathing albeit true-ish.

    Just like any corporation or business including the military, I know that some folks like the job that they do, most do not. So I feel that OTR trucking is going to have many pitfalls/few blessings. It is what it is like it or leave it.

    These are of few of the issues that I have learned thus far:

    1) Three weeks of school training is not enough.

    2) Leasing a truck is nothing short of a scam with a near 85% failure rate. However, I doubt that I will ever meet any of the successful 15%.

    3) No trucking academy can guarantee you a job when you graduate, but if they aren't at least going to help you find a job after you graduate then they are far too expensive.

    4) Whichever company that you choose to work with, if you're not going to commit at least a year, don't even take the first step of starting down the road to a career as a truck driver.

    After all of that, here's a little about me. I retired from the military in '07. I began delivering mail part time right before I started receiving my military retirement. (Thus my handle.) The most annual income that I have ever received from the postal service is $15,000. Then a long time friend called me and told me what he did for a living. He drives for a subcontractor of the USPS, has been for a few years and loves it. So I asked him how do I start. Aside from blogging I'm following my plan that is: 1) go to school, 2) start with a company and stay a year, and 3) apply with a subcontractor for the USPS.
    Anyway, wish me luck.

    SpeedyDelivery out.
    Baack and kickin chicken Thank this.
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  3. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Hi, SpeedyDelivery, Welcome to our Truckers Forum! We hope you enjoy your stay and please read our RULES. We hope to help you and get to know you soon! Thanks, SpeedyDelivery!

    SpeedyDelivery, do you have a question about how to do something? Try our FAQ section or you can PM me or a Moderator (50 posts not required to PM a Mod) to ask a question! Also, you can read through our Truckers Forum Information Center!
  4. alex94

    alex94 Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    good ol CG
    SpeedyDelivery- welcome to the boards. you will learn so much here! the four points that you posted are so true! every single one of them. and i would LOVE to meet one driver from the elite 15% that completed leasing with out totally getting ##**ED!
    please keep us (or at least me) updated on your trucking career and your venture to become a subcontracter! thanks man. good luck with your future endeavors.
    Baack Thanks this.
  5. smurf-316

    smurf-316 Resident Nut Case

    Oct 4, 2006
    North Carolina
    Welcome to the forum!
    If you have any questions just ask. You will find the answers to most all your questions here.

    Welcome aboard!!

    Baack and kickin chicken Thank this.
  6. SpeedyDelivery

    SpeedyDelivery Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Boise, Idaho
    Well thank you too much for the welcome alex94 and Smurf-316!

    I have a couple issues that I would like to complete before I go to trucker school.

    First is that my state is deploying overseas in the next few months and I have been invited to participate in one of the vacated positions stateside. That job should last a year.

    Second, I have a speeding ticket that is 1 1/2 years old that I want to age to 3 years before I apply. That way I will be very close to being a perfect candidate. The only other issue I have that cannot be fixed is a DUI that I received in 1985. It probably won't matter much to most employers as long as I am up front and honest with them (no matter what the recruiters say).

    If my math is correct I should be tarnished golden in 2011.
  7. alex94

    alex94 Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    good ol CG
    I also would wait a little while on the speeding ticket. and as for the dui, it shouldnt affect you getting a job. most companies only require it to be 5-7 years old. they will see it but wont care (i dont think).
    Baack Thanks this.
  8. SpeedyDelivery

    SpeedyDelivery Bobtail Member

    Dec 6, 2009
    Boise, Idaho

    From what I've read in truck driving books as well as other blogs is yes the dui shouldn't matter as it is over 10 years old, however, what recruiters have done in the past is tell students and company applicants is to NOT put it down even though the application said IF EVER. Thus, making the applicant look like a liar and use that as the SOLE REASON for not hiring that person. The recruiter takes the money, sets the wannabe up for failure, and continues to flush more and more honest folks through that fraudulent system. Because I know this activity to be truly taking place I feel that it is my responsibility to warn everyone.

    Speedy Delivery out.
  9. alex94

    alex94 Light Load Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    good ol CG
    I have heard that also but i would put it down i think because they can look at it and once they see that on your record but you didnt put it down, YOUR GONE! you a liar in their eyes. good luck and keep us updated
    Baack Thanks this.
  10. liteguy

    liteguy Light Load Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Hey speedy welcome. I will be starting school next month in Caldwell. I've been reading alot on here and agree. I have been in he same line of work for 26 years and I can honostly say I have a lot more negitive to say then positive on my career. Most people that are happy w/ their jobs don't seem to advertise it, but he who is disgruntled will tell anyone who will listen. I have come to the realization that I must go and find out for myself. Money for me is secondary, I am looking to make it my career so a good trainer, certified schooling and going into this knowing that I will be an apprentice for atleast a year may help. Good to see someone on here in Boise. Good Luck
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2009
    kickin chicken and Baack Thank this.
  11. wellgolf

    wellgolf Light Load Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm going to school at CWI in Nampa and will complete my training on the 14th of Jan. Good luck with your plan Speedy and it's good to hear from other guys from around here.
    Baack Thanks this.
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