Hello! In my final weeks of CDL school and need advice for the next step

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by davidthgnome, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. davidthgnome

    davidthgnome Bobtail Member

    Feb 15, 2024
    By the end, I’ll have all my endorsements and no restrictions. I am located in Cincinnati, OH. I have a seasonal job as a bartender that runs from April to October. I am looking for something where I can keep that job full-time at night while still being able to work as a local driver.

    Before April, I’m looking to get the most experience I can OTR or however without making a commitment past April. Is there any advice for all this? Thank you, and I look forward to being part of this community and forum.
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    The overall job market for brand new CDL holders is pretty bleak right now.

    Not sure how soon that will change, of course.

    You might take that barkeep job in April, & try the CDL world later....when things improve.

    -- L
    davidthgnome Thanks this.
  4. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    might want to check your notes on hours of service.

    all work done with one or more companies all goes against your hours of service, I believe.
    tscottme, 88 Alpha, Grumppy and 2 others Thank this.
  5. Jamie01

    Jamie01 Light Load Member

    Dec 13, 2020
    Hours of service will be a problem. Basically, you'll need 10 hours off between ending your bartending gig each day, and starting to drive. And there are more details beyond this. The one way this could possibly work is with a Monday to Friday LTL gig, and bartending weekends. And you'd still need to keep careful watch on your weekly hours. And this assumes you'll even be able to get a regular schedule, and not be on the extra board, called in whenever they need a driver. As a brand-new driver who wants to be home daily, you might have to just take what you can get for at least the first six months, and then more options might open up for part-time driving. That's pretty much the route I took.
    tscottme, Numb and davidthgnome Thank this.
  6. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    Sounds like someone burning the candle at both ends. One or the other, pal, when you accept a trucking job, all else goes out the window. Other jobs, hobbies, family and friends, you simply won't have the time. Very few trucking jobs are compliant for you to do something else in addition. Trucking just doesn't work that way. You have to give it 110%, or don't bother, really. I suggest an adjustment in lifestyle, so one income is enough. Good luck.
    tscottme and lual Thank this.
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Yes there is advice for all of this. You need to decide, and very quickly if you're all in on being a cdl holder. All trucking jobs eat up a lot of time, and will force a lifestyle change. If you're not ready to go all in on being a trucker, then you'll need to keep your bartending job. It's March right now and you're wanting to basically gain all the experience before April, basically 3 weeks. Doesn't make much sense to me. You gotta think about whether you really want to make that switch because you can't have everything in trucking. You'll give up a lot of the "normal life" stuff if not all of it. Trucking jobs are at minimum 12 hr days/nights.
    lual and Jamie01 Thank this.
  8. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    although, there are part time temp agencies that handle drivers.

    perhaps that would work, if 2 part time jobs is enough income.
    tscottme Thanks this.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
  11. Ex-Trucker Alex

    Ex-Trucker Alex Heavy Load Member

    Jan 7, 2023
    Yeah, asking a company to train you OTR for a measly 6 weeks commitment is a HARD "no". Not gonna happen; they may actually LAUGH at that request. So is the idea of being a "professional" driver AND a bartender. Obviously the seasonal gig doesn't pay enough, or else you wouldn't be getting your CDL.

    It's time to grow up and stop playing around with 'fun seasonal gigs'; they are NOT a career, and never will be. Make a commitment to driving for at least a year straight, FULL TIME, or don't even bother. You will NOT be able to do both. You might be able to bartend for an occasional weekend, but that is about all you will be able to do.
    Peplow Thanks this.
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