Help a trucker wannabe out!

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by OpenRoadGuy, Jun 2, 2010.

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  1. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    To be lost in the shuffle would be exactly the same as being lost :smt017 somewhere betwixt shippin' and receivin', --- :smt102
    only different. :smt107:laughing4::smt037

    Those of y'all who read the last post in a thread first, for whatever reason,
    :director2: :director: ~~~~~~~ B E A D V I S E D ~~~

    The preceding pages contain an excellent play-by-play accounting of the experiences encountered while attending Big truck truck drivin' school.

    It starts out good and gets even better, earning it a
    Pullitsir award for non-fiction.

    Just betwixt you-n'-me, y'all know that if you don't read
    :study: the entire thread now, y'all will spend the rest of your life wonderin' about it. So why not do yourself a favor and read it now?
    It's a Must Read, --- Seriously.
    sammycat Thanks this.
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  3. Optimus

    Optimus Light Load Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    I finally finished reading this thread and just wanted to thank eevryone for all the info as I am just getting into this. I drove a yard tuck (w/ only a permit) for 2 yrs, and I am now looking to go to school so I can pass the Mass test. I even started contacting some of the regional guys, Swift, Roehl, Schneider, JB Hunt, just to see what the process will be.

    Haven't started to hear back yet, but between that and this thread, I think I will be alot more informed going in.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  4. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    No doubt about it, Greeny.
    Welcome to TTL.
    Glad you found us.
    We're pleased to know the information is useful to you.
    Thanx for taking the time to tell us. :salute:
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  5. lionheart0901

    lionheart0901 Light Load Member

    Aug 4, 2010
    Clermont, FL
    as far as them getting back with you make sure you speak to and get with a recruiter. do the app online if required then call them up a couple days later have them check on it. thats what i did and im going to swift in a week i hear that not the best but they are good for experience thats what i have heard. but yea hope that helps

    PS dont believe everything the recuiter says i had a crap load of questions for them and they checked out when i spoke to other pplz and reading a lot on this website thanks to allll.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  6. sammycat

    sammycat "Oldest Hijackerette"

    Apr 11, 2010
    Rochester, NY
    Aftershock-You said it best this really is a great read for any newbie or wannabe and I almost wish admin would lock it! I keep saying I have been here since the beginning, I have learned a lot along with ORG ans Chris, had some fun, given some advice. Be safe everyone and thanks to everyone who helped to make this thread what it is!!
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  7. cookie278

    cookie278 Medium Load Member

    Dec 3, 2009
    Spent the last couple of days reading this thread. I agree that locking it, with links to the new threads and a nice sticky are in order. This has been a great read!
    AfterShock and sammycat Thank this.
  8. Goin4gold

    Goin4gold Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2010
    Lake Havasu City, AZ
    Don't forget the cheaper store brand Lysol for the shower floor in your shower bag.
    Shyne_E_Star, JustDoc and AfterShock Thank this.
  9. Merlin1477024

    Merlin1477024 Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    Katy, Texas
    Think you can find the link to that video if it was online?

  10. BobMac

    BobMac Light Load Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    KC Mo area
    My objective here is simply to agree with the previous posters – Lock this post as a MUST read for anyone considering a Truck Driving career. And say Thank You ALL (ORG, Chris, SammyCat, Aftershock, Wedge For providing not only an educational but entertaining bit of reading today. It took all darn day to read it but WOW! What a trip it’s been. Thanks for sharing so much of your lives with us.

    I start school in a couple of weeks here in MO. and have been lurking around this site for a while now expanding my knowledge of this business. This has been the most educational, beneficial, emotional, enlightening, thread I have read so far. There were so many times while reading what ORG or Chris were going through it felt like they were sharing my feelings and experiences - it was uncanny! (Although they are much more eloquent that I am)

    I will look forward to hearing “The rest of the story” in ORG & Chris’s threads.
    Good luck and stay safe out there !
    RockyWI, chralb, Wedge and 1 other person Thank this.
  11. billygoatee

    billygoatee Bobtail Member

    Aug 13, 2010

    For openers,truckin isn't like any other thing you have ever done to earn money..You don't punch in at 8 and out at 5, even though that may be what your log book says..More likely, you'll be up around 5 and start thinkin about how tired you are about 10 ish..Then you spend an hour or so lookin for a camp-site (place to park), and hope the lot lizards (trucker ######) don't knock on your door half the night...Next comes working..You arrive at your delivery site at 6 o'clock only to find out that you and 15 other trucks all have a 6 o'clock appt..If you have a good day going on, you'll hit the docks abt. 10 or 11, give up your BOL's, hire a lumper (they get from 50.00 to $500.00 )for unloading and restacking your load, I'm too tired to even go into all that..Okay,its 3 o'clock and you call in empty (or qualcom) your dispatcher tells you its 75 mis.over to your next load . IS close to rushour,traffic is already picking up and the place stops shipping at 1800 hours (thats 6 o'clock in the world) . You only have time to hubba hubba.. You arrive at 1700 hrs., run inside and the shipper gives you a dock assignment..At 5 minutes to 6, her/she comes out to tell you they ran out of product, so now its up to second shift...All this is well and good,except you need a shower; you haven't eaten since 11 o'clock last night; and you're way out in the boonies....Then you remember that this load delivers day after tomorrow, and its HOT HOT HOT...I think I've given you enough to think abt. for now..Oh yea, there are no-nadda-zippo dumb questions, there are however, lots of dumb answers...You keep asking..Asking may save someones life one day....:biggrin_25511:
    Shyne_E_Star and Bayou_baby Thank this.
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