Help finding a company?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Halfdeadly, Feb 16, 2024.

  1. Halfdeadly

    Halfdeadly Bobtail Member

    Feb 16, 2024
    Hello all, i’m new here but i’ve been lurking for awhile. Just a little info about me i’m 22y/o live on the east coast in MD and got my CDL license in October of 2023 when i was 21. Now the downhill spiral…
    After doing some research i landed my first gig with a Regional flatbed company and started their orientation Jan 1, 2024. Finished orientation and started their training after a week. Instead of sending me with 1 trainer to learn from over a period of 3 weeks they sent me with a different trainer EVERY WEEK that does things totally different. My first week they send me with some local guy who only does hotbox (no securing at all, other than 2 binders on each side holding the lid in place). After my first week im trying to be more hands on with my second trainer (Whose also local but not hotbox) and he’s telling me i’m doing everything wrong so i sit back and watch and observe. I get to my 3rd week where im finally out and about going state to state but when it came down to securing and tarping, again im told im doing things the wrong way, and i even express to him this is how i was taught last week. so i listen and start picking up on what he’s telling me to do instead of using what i learned the week prior. I get back to the training facility and get told to my face my last trainer didn’t think i was ready to be out on my own so they’re letting me go. I come home and keep on with my job search. As if my luck couldn’t get any worse i get in an At Fault Accident in my personal vehicle that requires both cars to be towed. EVERY MEGA has denied me now saying they won’t hire me because i was let go and some say because of my accident. I’m really losing hope on making this a career before i was even given a fair shot. I’ve applied to just about every company i see you guys talking about on here and they’ve all denied me. The only one who hasn’t yet is western express, but with all the horror stories i’ve heard i can’t even bring myself to return their calls. I’m not opposed to them entirely but the minimum wage pay i hear about is the main thing off putting to me, i won’t be able to afford living if i go there. I see it as i might as well go back to the warehouses i was making $780 a week in.
    Any insight or feedback is greatly appreciated or just anyone to talk to as this has been stressing me out greatly to the point i’ve become depressed.
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  3. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    @Chinatown is your best bet for good leads, but that VERY recent at fault accident may be the nail in your trucking coffin, at least for now. I'd go with WE, and do your damnedest to stay safe.
  4. Halfdeadly

    Halfdeadly Bobtail Member

    Feb 16, 2024
    Well it’s at fault in my insurance companies eyes, as for the police report it puts the fault on me and the other party. i’ve seen my MVR and DAC and the other one a few days ago and there’s no mention of me ever being employed by the first company who let me go or of the accident that occurred almost 3weeks ago now.
    Edit: Also i received no tickets or etc for the accident.
    bryan21384 and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
  5. dngrous_dime

    dngrous_dime Road Train Member

    Jan 28, 2014
    Lansing area, MI
    These things don't update in real-time, but if you lie about it, it WILL come back to bite you.
  6. Halfdeadly

    Halfdeadly Bobtail Member

    Feb 16, 2024
    i’ve figured that much. and ofc i’ve still been honest about BOTH and gave the reasoning behind them when asked, which is why i’m finding it hard to find a match.
    bryan21384 and nextgentrucker Thank this.
  7. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    If Western Express will hire you I would go for it. They may have a bad reputation, but the good news is, all those idiots who give them a bad reputation have set the bar pretty low for you. I'm sure it's possible to do well there if you keep your #### together.

    That's too bad the one company fired you. Sounds like they could use some improvements on their training procedures.
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Go with Western Express. Don't believe all the BS you read about the company.
    @bryan21384 gives a good assessment of Western Express.
    bryan21384 and Halfdeadly Thank this.
  9. Halfdeadly

    Halfdeadly Bobtail Member

    Feb 16, 2024
    Guess i don’t have many options now honestly.
    Any insight on how long i’d have to stay til im able to start being looked at by other companies with the accident in my personal vehicle?
    I’ve heard a year but i’d be more willing to do 3months maybe 6. i know im in no position to make these calls but just would love your opinion
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Hang with Western for at least 6 months.
    bryan21384 and Halfdeadly Thank this.
  11. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    National Carriers | The Elite Fleet
    Requirements/Training program for new cdl school grads.

    • CDL A
    • Minimum Age: 21 years
    • Minimum Experience: 6 months. Ask about our student Program if you have a CDL A, but not enough experience
    • DWI Convictions: Must be 5 years ago
    • Moving Violations: Only 3 last 3 years
    • Preventable Accidents: Only 3 last 3 years
    • Hiring area:
    • [​IMG]
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