I need someone to advise on this.
A driver is loaded. He was given 5 BOLs and FIVE destinations all over from IL to CA.
The driver signed the rate con showing one destination to Indiana. The rate con includes one pick (the origin) and the destination in Indiana. But BOLs include FOUR states!!
The broker isn't reachable by phone number, not sure if on purpose. Not sure if it is Cross Doc. But the POs that the driver signed on the rate con are spread out over those states on different BOLs.
The after hour team isn't calling back and doesn't have an answer saying they need to reach their customer.
I have to be unloaded at night. Prebooked for the rest of the week.And they just email now head to Indiana without affirming there will be ONE stop.
Never was in a situation like this before.
HELP! Possible wrong BOL for load and no answer from broker
Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Beaver9, Jan 20, 2025.
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Pick up. Go to destination, could be BOL are to be attached to load and shipped from destination. What does ratcon say????
Pick up IL go to In. -
The rate con shows the origin and one stop in Indiana to deliver.
That's all. But it lists all POs numbers that they have 5 BOLs for!!!
And the after hour team doesn't use full sentences to advise.
They use one words responses yes.Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
austinmike Thanks this. -
U read the RATCON!!!!
U SIGNED IT DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU SIGNED FOR, or have your truck break down tell the broker engine blew up and you don't have the money to fix ithope not dumb twucker, Dino soar and austinmike Thank this. -
Go to destination, do not unload!!!!! until PAID!!!!!! THEN NEVER RUN FOR THAT BROKER AGAIN. if he says No. tell them they can come get the load out of your back yard when they want to,then charge them storage
hope not dumb twucker Thanks this. -
Yes, Signed for one stop on it. Everyone looking at it would assume all POs belong to one BOL and one destination.
I don't think we are allowed to keep the load hostage.
I don't want problems more on my hands than I already have.hope not dumb twucker and austinmike Thank this. -
Is it illegal to pick up multiple BOLs with different destinations? Supposedly they are going to first stop first which is our destination. Is the cargo protected? I can't risk my business.Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
hope not dumb twucker Thanks this. -
But sounds to me like your overthinking it. I would proceed to the destination in INRideandrepair, Beaver9, nikmirbre and 4 others Thank this. -
I think you may be overthinking the load just a wee bit there mate.
Just because you have multiple BOLs does not nessesarily mean your expected to deliver them all over. Its not unusual to ship a bunch of products from one warehouse to another where they get split onto diffrent trucks. Sometimes even combined with many partial loads to get 1 truckload. And so you get a BOL for each individual "shipment" since they technically arent one load. This was common practice when i was at may and at the post office. We got one truck with as many as 20 BoLs but we delivered the whole truck to 1 place and the loads got split then combined with other partials coming from other customers/suppliers into 1 big load at the reciver and shipped to a location often at a second warehouse before they got loaded on another final mile rig delivering to individual locations.
Just read your contract. If it says take load from pickup A to dropoff B then thats what you do. If your ratecon says you signed to do all this and you missed it.....thats on you. If you do what your rate con says and they try to nail you for not doing "extra" not in your contract. Get a lawyer as that is not something they are allowed to do.
That said @Ridgeline is one of the bigger company owners here and can likely give a better more detailed answer since i do bulk which is a whole diffrent thing so there may be rules for the box van side of things i am unaware of.Siinman, motocross25, Beaver9 and 4 others Thank this. -
Google the receiver and see what kind of place it is.
I’ve loaded several bol from a shipper going to a cold storage,cross dock and ltl carriers.
With the limited amount of information I doubt anyone can give you a solid answer.Beaver9, nikmirbre, Bean Jr. and 1 other person Thank this.
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