helping babysit wth

Discussion in 'Gless Bros Foodliner' started by im6under, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    Its sunday and its time to unload... not product just pent up rage. :biggrin_25525:

    I may regret this later but somehow I doubt it...

    Was supposed to do one run today. Got called by Bob at 8:12 a.m. to see if I had any plans after work.

    Well, yeah, but what's up???
    Can you do the second load to the place you're at?
    Sure !!! (Not real happy to cancel my plans but I'll take one for the team and besides maybe the guy who "WAS" supposed to do the run, really is sick or out of hours and not being a whine bag.) (maybe) but (dubious)

    We have several primadonna's on payroll as you'll find almost anywhere...

    Early afternoon the old cell rings... never a good sign...


    hey where you at???

    Unloading where I am supposed to be...

    Great, hey would you mind when you are done running a pto shaft pin over to driver (so and so) at (such and such) location???

    Same knucklehead I had to take the pin to at the same place a few weeks ago? Sure no problem... (end of call)

    Now this is basically 30 minutes out of my pocket and dinner is going to be late... or latish??? and I'm not getting paid for it and don't want paid... team effort right??? fellow driver in a pinch???

    Get over to the guy... same guy... same truck... same pin... same customer... and am thinking what is this guy??? a knucklehead or what??? not carrying a pin or scrounging something...??? it is sunday ya'know...

    Walk across the street to hand the guy the pin, give him the big team smile and be on my way.

    Driver doesn't stretch out his hand to take the pin, sounds annoyed and says don't hand that to me, you'll have to put it in, I told bob I ain't a mechanic and I ain't doing it. (This from the guy that did it last week just fine)

    I looked at him shocked and said well I ain't a mechanic either and tried to hand him the pin again. He stepped back and said I ain't doing it, you'll have to put it in or call a mechanic.

    "Buddy, this is your truck and its between you and Bob, I got told to bring you a pin, and here it is and if you want to sit here and rot over the weekend its fine by me cuz its 4p.m. and I was supposed to be drinking coolers by noon today." (turned around to walk off)

    Guy calls, hey you can't leave, if you won't put in the pin we are supposed to dolly down and swap trailers then you can wait for me to unload and then you can have your truck back.


    bob said...

    Well you sorry, fat, lazy, #######, its more G.D. work to swap trailers than drop the pin in the hole.

    (ASTONISHED LOOK from said FLB):biggrin_2551:

    Walked over, reached over frame and wiggled the shaft, dropped the bolt in place, borrowed FLB's hammer, tapped it thru the hole, spun on the nut finger tight, and said, that'll hold you til tomorrow, have bob or a mechanic tighten it up with wrenches. (total time 5 minutes max)

    (FLB) apologizes but he can't be crawling under trucks and he isn't going to do it anymore. took him 45 minutes last time I brought him a pin. (NOTE) he's been sitting 1 1/2 hours waiting on me at this point. He'll most assurdly charge the company 2 hours break-down time.

    I walk off and get in my truck, this was 3-4 hours ago and all I can think is, "You sorry FLB !!!!!!"

    I'm making killer money, this idiot is making more than me because he is riding the gravy-train EXPRESS with nothing but long sweet high paying loads because he has been here forever !!!!!!!!

    Please someone read this and investigate and fire this moron because I don't want to help FLB's that are working the system for all its worth and have no concept of team effort.

    Boy, I'll tell'ya, one episode with a FLB and it just ruins my whole week.

    *rant rant rant* (I just know I'm gonna wake up at 3 a.m. strangling my pillow over this)

    I'm stunned... I've just never... in all my days... (as granny would say)

    been caught up in a situation with such a shameless individual...

    This folks, is what's wrong with America !!!!!!

    FLB's with a twisted sense of entitlement !!!!

    MAN!!!! dang it !!!!!!! I'm ticked !!!!!!!

    and off to drink said cooler... before I have a :biggrin_2552:
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  3. MO family man

    MO family man Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Nunya, MO
    Here we go with a little more southern humor to kick a man while he is down... So you drink those"Coolers" before or after you have relations with other dudes?:biggrin_2555:
    im6under Thanks this.
  4. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    so my choices are

    drink before, so I can claim I don't remember

    or drink after to help me forget????

    you ottumwa guys seem to have dwelt on the possibilities just a little to much:biggrin_2554:

    whats up with that ? :biggrin_255:
  5. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Well your all southern to us in Wisconsin
    Coors isn't allowed in our state, unless its snuck in

  6. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Used to be that way in Arkansas . I lived in a dry county too in Bentonville . But I was working construction and our office was on the state line and right across the street was a liquor store in MO that sold Coors and cashed our pay checks . Of course it was illegal to bring beer back into Arkansas . Whenever Benton County deputies wanted free beer they'd just park by the state line and pick a suspect . It was usually a known offender . They never bothered the guys I worked with .
  7. MO family man

    MO family man Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Nunya, MO
    I just got sent on a vital bail out mission. A Blue Grass guy was trying to deliver a load in NE Alabama while I was over in Talladega doing the same. Long story short..."Hey driver can you hop on over there and pump him off?" I love how they phrase it as a question as though I have the option of declining. I roll on up there and greet our couragous coworker next to his shiny new 08 trailer. Seems his pump went of to that great vacum in the sky. We hooked up his seemingly never used hoses to my 25 year old dingy looking barrel and got some product moving. As we chatted to the soothing whine of my pto shaft he commented on how great it was that they(The shafts) would soon be going by the wayside. He proceeded to extoll the wonders of the hydro pack equipped trailers. I as the new guy was left confused wondering why if these new trailers were so great, was I standing in this digusting swillhole of a location bailing him out using my obsolete POS.

    Ah well life goes on. I think I will go give our 1973 wagon a hug when I get back to Ottumwa.
  8. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    10-4 on the hug for the older wagons... they do me just fine.
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