Here I go with TransAm Trucking!

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by bcso809, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Chunkywolf

    Chunkywolf Light Load Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    St Louis, MO
    The length of lease does not really effect the amount of your payment by that much. It just changes the amount of lease completion bonus you get, when you get that bonus, and how much you owe TA if you break the lease early. Also, TransAm is trying to switch to a t700 fleet within the next few years, the leased t660s are disappearing pretty fast, and pretty soon company drivers will be rolling in t700s from what I hear.

    The only problem I have seen with the leasing program is the fact that it takes 1600-1700 miles to break even. And if you have any sort of break down/home time, you aren't going to make the payment. If you get a good dispatcher who actually runs you though, you CAN make good money. But for me, I'd rather learn the business with a reliable paycheck.
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  3. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    you a probably correct chunky but after a bankruptcy last october i figured i could only get so much broker :) I am old dont have too many more chances to change my mind what i wanna do when i grow up
  4. camels76

    camels76 Light Load Member

    Mar 19, 2012
    Topeka, KS
    So this thread isnt helping me decide who to go work for ... *slaps forehead
  5. BanditTrucker

    BanditTrucker Light Load Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    after some thinking/research i decided not to even think about transam... i had high hopes for them but 99% of everything i read about them is negative and all they want is lease-drivers no company... im only 23 years old i want to start trucking with a company that will teach me and give me a shot... not put it in a lease truck and ruin my life so i don't even look at a truck again... i want to retire trucking, not quit in 6 months after going broke in a lease.

    lease deals are extremely unfair 99% of the time towards the driver especially transam's...
    123456 Thanks this.
  6. slowpoke89

    slowpoke89 Road Train Member

    Oct 10, 2011
    Slowpoke land
    When i called TA a few years ago about going back there, i got a prompt reply of "you will have to be a lease operator to work here"....i just said no thanks and hung up. Sad to see TA go from a driver- orientated company to a POS revolving door meat grinder.
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