Heyl Journey with xlsdraw

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by xlsdraw, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Anyways, I just got parked at the Louisiana welcome center at Slidell. 600 mile day after 3 hrs this morning setting up the truck. Truck did well today. Ok, I'm gonna fall out now. Tomorrow will be only 3-something. I'll stage at the Love's in La Porte for Monday morning del.
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  3. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Been staged at. the Love's in La Porte for a few crazy hours. About 20 miles before taking 146 off I-10, I moved left for a car merging in that had an officer's car in Front of the merging car. Not behind as normal. I was able to move back right after passing the merging car. All the rest of the way on 10, all the way down 146, west on 225 this car followed me. Sure enough when I exited off 225 the car followed me all the way into the truck parking area. Strange huh. So after I backed into a spot, I started walking over to the car and noticed it was an elderly woman. Turns out she was lost. Unfortunately, in more ways than one. So after reaching this conclusion, I called 911 and got the local pd to come out. Eventually, we were able to enough contact info out of her to hopefully get some folks to come get her and her car. She lives alone about 40 miles to the north.
    As for the work day, mostly went ok. When I fueled at the Love's in Vinton, La. After I had pulled up and fueled the reefer, I tried to crank the truck and nothing. So I am broke down at the pumps. Got their mechanic out there and eventually he tapped on the starter and it cracked. We'll see what it does in the morning.
    YardDart and paul_4lp Thank this.
  4. stungjoe

    stungjoe Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    Yet to be determined.
    Sometimes the brushes don't make good contact on the armature...the springs need a li'l help by tapping on the case :smt021
    YardDart and xlsdraw Thank this.
  5. sevenmph

    sevenmph Road Train Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Pinellas county Florida
    Kind of an event filled day. Had a starter that had to be tapped now and again. Eventually left me stranded and had to be replaced.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  6. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Unfortunately, today has been awful. Delivery went fine this morning. Was MT by 0815. Was told to top off reefer and head to Galveston drop yard. Arrived here at 10:00. And waited, and waited...... No preplan, no phone call, no messages. So I aired up 9 tractor tires that all had 90 psi up to 110psi so they would conform with the ONE tire that actually had 110psi. After leaving the truck off for a while, I tried to crank and the starter was seized again. So had to get road service out to get me running. The A/C on this truck does not cool. The air bleeds down to unsafe about 15 minutes after truck is turned off. So around mid afternoon when I still hadn't been informed by operations what was going on I reached the point of "Come to Jesus" time. So I made a couple communications indicating clearly that Everything must improve QUICKLY, period. I will not settle for a lemon truck, low miles, and poor communication. We'll see what tomorrow/tonight brings. Atleast now I know I am waiting for a produce load headed to North Platte.
    paul_4lp and 123456 Thank this.
  7. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Broke down again at another fuel island. It is too unnatural for me not to turn off the key at fuel pumps. I am expected to do this for a couple more days. I made it to the J in Ardmore and left it running but they made me go back 1 mile to the Loves. The Loves mechanics couldnt find the "sweet spot" on the starter so apparently someone is being sent to pull start me. The odds of me making it a couple more days without turning off the key are not good. Not good at all.
  8. truckon

    truckon Swamp Thing

    Dec 16, 2011
    Like I'd tell you!
    Nothing a piece of tape and paper can't fix, if you can't think of a way to keep yourself from doing something that simple you might want to rethink being a professional driver.
    jomar68 and paul_4lp Thank this.
  9. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    the joys of being the low man on the totem pole at a new company.
    paul_4lp and xlsdraw Thank this.
  10. RizenPhoenix

    RizenPhoenix Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    Santa Cruz, CA
    Wow, way to show some compassion. Guess with 50 years as a driver we get to look forward to you rethinking being alive soon. Where's the popcorn.
  11. paul_4lp

    paul_4lp Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2010
    Fort Myers, FL
    Yeah take that Key inside the trk stop , wrap it with paper and tape with the word "NO" on it

    me & VMaggs loved our 2009 freight shaker ...but it did finally died at about 500K

    make my 2013 prostar seem nice....I'm sure they will upgrade u once they know you will last longer than a few weeks
    The Challenger and double yellow Thank this.
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