Heyl Journey with xlsdraw

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by xlsdraw, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. carramrod32

    carramrod32 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Looks like they have made you a Midwest regional driver.:biggrin_2555:
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
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  3. carramrod32

    carramrod32 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Hey xl, so are you still going back over to Crete in July? I have really enjoyed reading your posts, will definitely miss this one when it's gone. I wish you all the best in whatever you end up doing.
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  4. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Post #590. Oregon before Florida. I have not left the Central Time Zone.
  5. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Yes, I am headed back to Crete. Orientation is set for 07/07/14. Thanks for the good wishes from you and others. Left at 39 cpm and pay has increased to 43 cpm. The increase helps but primarily I just fit better in dry van.
    666.4 today. I am camped in front of my Consignee in Arlington. When my break was over at midnight my load was ready in the drop lot. So I grabbed it. Then fought the tandem slide for nearly an hour. Eventually, I had to back the trailer tires against the curbing at their fuel pump to get the slide broke free. The load was so tail heavy that I was stretched almost all the way back. 79200 with 3/4 tanks. 07:00 appt in the morning. They wouldn't take it today. My dispatcher says they're going to run me at least through the 30th so that I will qualify for the quarterly bonus. Hopefully not much past the 30th. My wife is at home dealing with either a kidney stone or a kidney infection. Probably a stone. She's had a few before.
  6. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    hey man been a while sorry to hear about the misfortunes at heyl glad to see ya head back to crete give me a shout if you get te time
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  7. RubyEagle

    RubyEagle Medium Load Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    Thanks for the good read. I hope your wife feels better soon!
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  8. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    I am at the J in Amarillo. This morning Before I left Arlington, my load was supposed to be ready in Amarillo. And it is. But they haven't done the paperwork. They say sometime between this evening and Tomorrow Night they will get it ready. Game, Set, and Match. Load delivers in Lakeland 05:00 Monday. 341.4 today.
    Dinomite Thanks this.
  9. stungjoe

    stungjoe Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2011
    Yet to be determined.
    man-0-man! I've had a kidney stone once. Without a doubt the most pain I have ever been in! The Demerol in the emergency room was the bestest!! haha The nurse was shaking this silver tube on her way into the room and said "I have happiness right here" I think I proposed to her a few seconds later :)

    I hope things go well for you back at Crete. Best of luck!
    xlsdraw Thanks this.
  10. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    normal tyson, the load is loaded, but the inspector has not stamped the paperwork, and she will stamp it when she is ready, not one moment before... and she will not tell you when either... and you ask one too many times, and it will get moved to the bottom of the stack...
    xlsdraw, The Challenger and paul_4lp Thank this.
  11. TruckerPatrick86

    TruckerPatrick86 Medium Load Member

    Dec 12, 2012
    Central Florida
    How do you legally drive that much? In the right photo I see 13 hours and 25 minutes.
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