Hi I’m Zac and I like chicken lights

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by EzcVNL, Nov 29, 2024.

  1. EzcVNL

    EzcVNL Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2024
    I was just bored thinking about installing the rest of my watermelons and figured I’d post and say hope yall had a good and safe Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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  3. Deere hunter

    Deere hunter Road Train Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Shallowater Texas
    I suggest a 12 step program to get over that obsession I mean addiction!
    Oxbow, austinmike, Sons Hero and 7 others Thank this.
  4. OlegMel

    OlegMel Medium Load Member

    Apr 8, 2023
    What watermelon lights are those? They look crazy bright
  5. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    Dang. Thats twice the mental illness. Driving a volvo and being chicken light crazy.
    No cure known to modern science for driving and covering a volvo in chicken lights. That is double the amount of recorded crazy. Lol.
    Oxbow, austinmike, Banker and 6 others Thank this.
  6. EzcVNL

    EzcVNL Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2024
    Lol Man Volvos are underrated plus mine identifies as a peterbilt. This is my ol faithful i started my owner operator journey with. Eventually I’ll buy a Pete if my daughter grows up and wants to drive the Volvo. But the Volvo has been good to me.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
    Banker, Oxbow, austinmike and 4 others Thank this.
  7. EzcVNL

    EzcVNL Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2024
    Jml glass watermelons with their dual color amber/purple bulbs.

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  8. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Welcome to the forum Zac and I don’t know why anybody likes Chicken Lights, except you and me! I won’t admit this if you tell anyone, but one the best riding rigs I have driven in my 37 years was a 2000 model tandem axle day cab Volvo with air ride steer axle when I worked for Frito Lay pulling an air ride 53’ trailer. Compared to some of the stuff I drove before that, it rode like a Cadillac. I wouldn’t trade my Pete for it, but it was a comfortable rig to earn a good living in. IMG_0433.png IMG_0432.png
  9. EzcVNL

    EzcVNL Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2024
    Hell yea nice truck there’s so many models of Pete’s it makes my head spin lol. I drove for 8 years before buying my own truck and it’s crazy I went from being obsessed with cars to semis lol now I love any truck if the driver is a driver and takes care of their truck. There’s so many people out there driving but not many drivers.unforced a Volvo at usf holland pretty much the entire time I was there. Drove an older one like I bought then was upgraded to a brand new one before they closed. But man I love my sleeper 670 and I was obsessed with wanting a 579 but now I’ve worked on my own truck so much I’m becoming attached it. I’m rebuilding it myself
    Oxbow and Banker Thank this.
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