Hi, I'm Snazzy and I'm Trucker

Discussion in 'The Welcome Wagon' started by Snazzy, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Snazzy

    Snazzy Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Granbury, Texas
    I'm a little upset because after spending some time updating my post yesterday my computer crashed. I lost all that I had written. That's frustrating, but even worse, now I'm a little gun shy .I'd hate spending too much effort posting only to have my screen freeze. Guess what I will do is to post this and see if if it works. Hopefully it will and I'll continue. I'm sure all my loyal fans are waiting with baited breath. Lol, Snazzy.
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  3. leannamarie

    leannamarie "California Girl"

    We're waiting, we're waiting.
  4. Snazzy

    Snazzy Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Granbury, Texas
    I stand corrected, my one fan Leannamarie is interested in this boring life. So, on with the show.

    We left off with me still working as a chauffuer. That ended when I gave in to my wife's wishes and seeked a local job. I applied for a posistion with the local police department in Fort Worth. My wife hated the idea and my friends thought I'd gone nuts. Truth was that I had always wanted to be a cop. It sounds corney, but I felt back then that protecting folks from the bad guys was a worth while goal. Being dedicated to something that was more important than myself. Giving my all for the public's safety. Remember I was 21 and this was back in 1973. I cried when Pesident Kennedy was killed and even today feel a sadness thinking back to that awful day. I wasn't but 11 years old, but he was the first preident that I knew and so sadly taken. I watched a war on t.v. every night that got full coverage. I saw a man walk on the moon. I witnessed a president resign in disgrace. I saw draft dodgers burn their draft cards and some war veterans burn the American flag. I guess burning was a pretty big then. I remember women burning their bra's and some really ticked off folks burning entire cities. Guess I missed out, unless you count burning the burgers on the grill.

    Anyhow. I trotted in and picked up the 15 page application that took me 3 days to fill out. When I returned it I found out that the hiring process took several months. You'd of thought I'd applied to be head of the F.B.I. Anyway, one of the officers made a phone call and handed me a letter that stated I was a special officer. The next day I took the letter to a private security company. I was issued a security guard badge, uniforms, holster, and 38 special. The next day I went to a bank downtown and assumed my post. No firearms training, no class room training, no state certification. Just pin the badge on the donkey and let the fun begin. Of course the uniform was 3 sizes too big and the gun stuck out like a pregnant waterbuffalo. I'm sure if the the Dalton gang had even come within a mile of that bank. I'd shot 3 customers, 2 bank tellers, and myself before the smoked cleared.

    Lets break here for refreshments, Snazzy.
  5. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    Woohoo! Snazzy is back! We luv ya', pal! :yes2557:
  6. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    No, like barney on the andy griffith show
    Only one bullet
    It maybe easier to adjust your foot placment than it is to aim the gun
  7. Nyegere

    Nyegere Bobtail Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Glad you're back. Sorry about your computer. That's soooo frustrating! But you've got lots of fans here, so please don't give up.
  8. Attitude:)

    Attitude:) "Love each Day as if it was your last"

    Jul 13, 2007
    TX NM & CO
    Wow, this has been great reading Snazzy. The only part missing unless I missed it was about the doctors that made house calls. I worked on an oil rig too back in the early 80s. My bro was a driller, I was floor hand. Never went to the derrick, too scared of heights lol.
  9. Snazzy

    Snazzy Light Load Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Granbury, Texas
    Okay gang, I tightend the thang-of-my-jig and adjusted the what-you-may-call-it. So I'll keep posting untill the puter blows a gasket. Again thanks to viewers like you that make this show possible.

    Now. There is the part where life bites me in the rear. Mind you I was never an angel. Even at the young age of 21 there had been things I had done that just weren't right. I'd had a couple of scrapes with the law. A few traffic tickets, a couple of minor in possesion of alcohal tickets, and so forth. I'd put down those transgressions on the application. Of course it didn't make me points but it didn't raise any eyebrows. After all it was in the early 70's and a lot of guys my age were being busted for dealing drugs or worse. Many were fighting in Vietnam or full time college students to avoid the draft. So, I figured I was a shoe-in for the job. Wrong !

    Remember back when I was out of town ? A friend of mine had seperated from his wife and begged me to allow him to stay at my house. Since I was seperated and the house was vacant most of the time, why not ? So, one day I came home from being out of town to I find a young teenage girl living in my house. Her story was sad. According to her, she had become pregnant when she was 14, living at home. Her parents had placed her in a girls home for un-wed mothers. She was forced to allow her aunt to adopt her baby. A judge had ruled the girl as a deliquent and ordered her to be placed in a foster home. She claimed she had run away because the foster parents were molesting her and the other girls in the home. I really didn't want to get involved. I explained that I was seperated from my wife and she sure wouldn't understand me moving in a girl as a roommate. I did feel sorry her and allowed her to stay for a couple of days. I was only there one night with her before I left out of town again. When I came back she was gone. I talked my wife into moving home. I gave notice to my boss and then applied at the police department. Innocent enough right?

    Lets break for a minute, my right cheek has fallen asleep. The Snaz.
  10. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
    Oh, come on, the story was just getting good, where'd you go?:biggrin_25524:
  11. Twocycle

    Twocycle <strong>Road Apple</strong>

    You got to understand that when your butt cheek falls asleep, you have to take drastic measures, or else! Or not!
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