High dispatch turnover at Superior Carriers?

Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by yankatank, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    besides Scott retiring from High Point...am I the only one to notice that alot of terminals are having a high dispatch turnover? I think the only 2, that I've noticed is Memphis and Kankakee are the same! Seems everytime I roll through Axis or Springfield it's someone different. I always joke with Jerry(Pasadena), when I see him, if he misses it, and he always has a big, firm NO! haha He def seems more happy back driving than dispatching now. That dude can WALK! lol
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  3. Lilj

    Lilj Medium Load Member

    Nov 9, 2016
    Dispatching is for people who just have to be home every night, also, they are salaried employees and for the amount of work they do they are not payed a whole lot. Most people can’t handle that, so they jump to greener pastures
  4. yankatank

    yankatank Medium Load Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    makes sense. I can understand the 'headaches' in dispatching! I think the worst turnover in a whole office I've ever seen was Hilco Transport! Sheesh, not only are the drivers running, so is 80% of the office too! lol
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