Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by devblan, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. devblan

    devblan Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    High Performance Logistics LLC is an absolute nightmare to work for. They are nothing but thieves and scammers who will not pay you for the hard work you put in. I have had to constantly fight for the money that I rightfully earned, and it is a never-ending battle with this company.
    Their ad on indeed is completely false - they do not have direct customers and instead rely on load boards to get their business. This means that the pay is unreliable and inconsistent, leaving drivers struggling to make ends meet.
    Mia, the supposed recruiter, is a complete liar who cannot be trusted. Do not listen to anything she says, as it is all just empty promises and deceit.
    I urge anyone considering working for High Performance Logistics LLC to RUN the other way. This company is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the trucking industry, and they need to be shut down immediately. Save yourself the trouble and avoid this company at all costs.
    Last Call, bryan21384 and REO6205 Thank this.
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  3. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Simple math tells me that your complaint is just one of thousands to come.

    Here’s a clue..Spot van rates barely cover Fuel, DEF and a minimal amount for tire wear and pm services. There’s really nothing left to actually run the business.. You’re getting screwed over because they need your earnings for insurance and stuff..sorry,Charlie welcome to reality.

    I’m on the sidelines again this weekend because there’s too many Bozo’s settling on $1.30 per mile crap.

    The great cleansing is now on our doorstep so choose your next company wisely..

    Good luck
  4. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Would this company, by any stretch of the imagination, be based in the greater Chicago area, be a 1099 job, and have a lease purchase agreemant?
  5. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    Thanks for letting us know. A few details might help...location, 1099 or W2, percentage or cpm, type of freight, that sort of thing.
    bryan21384, mjd4277 and Lonesome Thank this.
  6. devblan

    devblan Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    They are located in Merrillville, IN, they offer company and lease but regardless of whatever option you choose the owner is greedy and you literally have to beg for your paycheck every Wednesday. They don’t advertise under their real name, they advertise as Powerful Logistics LLC. They have no dedicated freight they strictly work off the load boards. Terrible company and a complete waste of time. Ohhhhh and they run illegal clocks lol you can work 20 hours a day at this company.
    REO6205 and Lonesome Thank this.
  7. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Merrillville, IN is definitely close enough to Chicago to have the stain lol. I love how these bad companies have names that don't match their practices lol
  8. grillem20

    grillem20 Bobtail Member

  9. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
  10. grillem20

    grillem20 Bobtail Member

    IMG_1800.jpeg IMG_1800.jpeg IMG_1800.jpeg No lies were told here. They also operate as Powerful Logistics. Nothing is reimbursed upon arrival. All Uber rides, drug test, hotel stay comes out of your check you never receive. They claim lease purchase, but I believe are only renting a truck from Penske which is why the truck payment is 1450 dollars a week. My situation was I worked two weeks and was asked to park the truck in a parking lot because something came up about the lease agreement. Another employee asked was I ready for my Uber I’m like Uber for what? He claimed the truck needed maintenance work done to it and they would be putting me in new truck. I was transported almost an hr away to Elk Grove IL. Upon arrival I called them only to have no one from the company answer my calls and then my number was blocked entirely. I realized I was stranded in an upon place. Had never received any payment had to get an Uber to the airport find a flight to my home sleep in the airport. I don’t understand how Russia can have a scheme like this running in America. It’s the most traumatic wage theft experience I’ve ever had to deal with. I am taking legal matters to receive compensation. This journey has been unbelievable.

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  11. grillem20

    grillem20 Bobtail Member


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