Highest paying companies in Nova Scotia /New Brunswick

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Nova Scotia newbie, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. Nova Scotia newbie

    Nova Scotia newbie Bobtail Member

    Sep 7, 2023
    Hey guys . Is there any maritimers on here ? If so what companies are paying good or better then most like more then .48 mile. are there any ? I'm feeling like a defiantly made a mistake getting into trucking.just looking for a glimmer of hope that there may be a good paycheck out there somewhere
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  3. Phantom Trucker

    Phantom Trucker Medium Load Member

    Jan 11, 2016
    Calgary, AB
  4. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    If you’re a brand new driver with no experience and we’re offered .48 a mile in my opinion that’s pretty good . I made .34 a mile with schneider back in 2008 . If you came into trucking thinking you would make Millions you’re in truck wrong business. saying that if you find the right company down the road once you have experience you can make 100k a year as a company man which is hell of a lot more then i’ve ever made but i only want local work and around Toronto doesn’t pay for sh$t
  5. Trugo

    Trugo Light Load Member

    Dec 8, 2015
    Its a decent basic living driving a truck. Here in Toronto the average full time job will put $1000 in the bank account per week. To make more you have to get more specialty. Doing USA triangles definitely ups the pay. Heavy towing... Hauling chemicals. Remote locations in mining or oil and gas pays alot more. Owning your own equipment, pays more.

    The average hard working job.... $60K/ YR.
  6. MacLean

    MacLean Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2017
    The East Coast will hammer you with low rates and charge you nearly the highest rates to live in Canada. I still have a place there but I quit working there years ago. If you want Flatbed I’d check with Lighthouse Transport out of Halifax. Small family run shop with Decent people. Brookville Transport out of Millbrook is always looking for flatbed guys but they’re part of Contrans which is part of Trans Force. If you want to open doors King Freight out of Pictou is always looking as well. Donnelly Farms is another door slammer you could check from No Funswick. I’d avoid Sunberry and Midland as no one in history ever got rich working for an Irving.
  7. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    Your personal location dictates a lower rate due to lower cost of living...I could make 20 % more with my company if I would move to GTA where cost of living is higher...I would never move there....
  8. Peplow

    Peplow Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2010

    I gotta ask, How does it compare to what you were doing before ?

  9. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    the real question is with that extra 20% would that put you ahead , same or behind with the cost of living here . yes right now houses are cheaper but that’s do to the economy and will not last for ever . Any thing within 1.5 hr drive to the gta is $500k plus
  10. dunchues

    dunchues Medium Load Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    new brunswick
    I've lived in N.B for 15 years and don't recognize a lot of the opinions here. Then again, I wouldn't pretend to know anything about rates, costs or the job market anywhere else in Canada.
    Always makes me chuckle when a new hire wants to get straight in to the top pay. I've not met one yet who deserved it, you're going to make inexperienced mistakes and cost your employer money, that's why you build up to a better rate as you develop your skills and learn to make good decisions. If you can get 48c I'd grab at it and work diligently for a year or two and doors will open. With your apparent defeatist entitled attitude though I'm not sure you're going to take advice unless it's what you want to hear.
  11. MacLean

    MacLean Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2017

    You should check to see what is cost to live in the East Coast. With 15% sales tax, $1.97 a Liter for diesel, housing prices climbing through the roof and the highest income taxes it’s not affordable to live there anymore.
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