Home Daily O/O Possible?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Duane0428, Mar 28, 2023.

  1. Duane0428

    Duane0428 Bobtail Member

    Oct 28, 2021
    North Carolina
    Howdy, 20 y/o here looking to attend CDL school this fall, turn 21 on Feb 1 next year. Looking to start out at a company (home daily only) and wondering if there is ever a shot to pursue buying my own day cab and running o/o for a profit ($1000+ a week net would be alright with me,) or if it just makes more sense to continue to pursue the company route. Located in the triad of North Carolina.
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  3. special-k

    special-k Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2008
    Southern Ontario Canada
    It just depends on your area. Around me theres lots of local steel haulers that are home every night. Up north lumber haulers get home daily. I hauled liquid asphalt one year and was home every night too. Look around and see what kind of work people are doing.
    tscottme and Duane0428 Thank this.
  4. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    I'd say company route to learn how the business operates.

    or go with an LTL co. that has a dock to driver program, like Old Dominion.
    tscottme and Duane0428 Thank this.
  5. Brettj3876

    Brettj3876 Road Train Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    Land of local
    1000 a week net is just buying yourself a job. The problem you'll have is insurance. Get a few years to learn on someone else's dime so you're not tearing up your stuff. Getting your own authority will probably be 20k minimum maybe even over 30k+ for the year for insurance and nobody will lease you on with no experience either

    Sure it's possible to be home daily lots of people do it. Especially here in the northeast. Pa, NY, NJ, CT, MA
  6. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    Never buy a daycab, especially starting out, small ~40” bunk will vastly open your options up, one or two nights in it won’t kill you. It’s much easier to park the sleeper in your drive way every night
    Duane0428 Thanks this.
  7. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    There are lotsa things a local o/o could do. And be home every night.

    Just a matter of finding the work.
    Duane0428 Thanks this.
  8. lester

    lester Midwest's #1 Feed Hauler

    Jan 2, 2012
    NW, Iowa
    I haven't been more than 50 miles from my house in 4 years and net way over 1k a week. Just have to look around your area and see what's available
    HBIV_86, shanman and Duane0428 Thank this.
  9. OscarGoldman

    OscarGoldman Light Load Member

    May 9, 2022
    It is important to have hopes and dreams....
    Dave_in_AZ Thanks this.
  10. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    I worked as an O/O for five years and was home almost every night

    I was leased on with a company that had their own trailers and their own freight .

    it totally depends on your local
    Market .
    HBIV_86 Thanks this.
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