Hopper bottom work, worth getting into?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Con707904, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Con707904

    Con707904 Bobtail Member

    Apr 30, 2017
    I have an opportunity locally to haul dried bakery meal, run would be full time. I have no experience with hopper bottom. From what I gather a vibrator would be a necessary investment. So with a vibrator how bad is unloading? I have a light tractor that paired with a hopper I think should be able to get around 26.5 tons and be right under 80k. I know grain haulers always complain about sitting forever waiting to unload, is the same true for meal haulers? All advice is appreciated
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  3. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Hauling meal can be tricky. In the cold it can hang up, and in the summer it can bind up and get tacky with the humidity. I would say a vibrator would almost be a necessity with hauling bakery meal. I mean obviously guys used to do it back in the day without, but if you have the option, I’d do it. There’s certain tricks I’ve heard of, but have never done. There’s food grade wax I think you can coat your hopper with. I’ve heard of guys throwing in a couple 2 or 3 basketballs and then loading, just so stuff’s not going down the road compacting against the trap. Bakery meal I don’t think I’ve hauled but I’ve hauled bakery waste in an end dump and we would have to load it on plastic to even think about it coming out. @Long FLD has hopper experience, he can hopefully see this and share some insight. Best of luck!
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