Hopper, Dump O/O's & Drivers

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by wheathauler, May 31, 2009.

  1. Big John

    Big John Road Train Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Which elevator are you hauling to?

    Are you going to get to haul tomorrow with the storm we had tonight?
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  3. Attitude:)

    Attitude:) "Love each Day as if it was your last"

    Jul 13, 2007
    TX NM & CO
    Hmmmm, arrive at the field for silage at 6-7 AM for your load........sometimes its ready, sometimes you wait till noon for the moisture content to be right.........times you're hauling non-stop back and forth from the field to a farm, dairy elevator, whatever till late at night........times you're sitting in line for an hour or more....then times the cutter/combine is down so it's hours on end.....take a nap if you're lucky after you look over your truck.........lol
  4. wheathauler

    wheathauler Trucker

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hutch, Kansas
    It rained here last night too...parts of the county are in flood warning.

    I know some people that cut silage. That's tough hauling and I would think a good attitude would help.
  5. Attitude:)

    Attitude:) "Love each Day as if it was your last"

    Jul 13, 2007
    TX NM & CO
    My attitude is what keeps me going. I love the work, workaholic lol. The biggest confusion is the log books..............

    We're rained out too. Looks like it'll last a few days more so the wheat will be delayed....Wow, looks like there's been flood warnings all over the place
    wheathauler Thanks this.
  6. Big John

    Big John Road Train Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Highside you hauling any wheat during harvest or all your trucks staying with feed?

    Wheathauler had they started cutting in your area before the rain?
  7. wheathauler

    wheathauler Trucker

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hutch, Kansas
    They were getting close...I saw a few farmer trailers coming into town yesterday. The terminal elevators get grain from a large radius so not sure where they were coming from. When I haul for Cargill they have some elevators 50 miles away.

    This much rain wasn't needed at this time. Few years ago had lot of rain before harvest and really hurt the test weights...besides the fact the dirt roads will be a mess.
  8. Big John

    Big John Road Train Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    Are you going to be hauling for a farmer out of the fields or elevator to elevator?
  9. highside

    highside Medium Load Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Yeah we have, or at least had (thanks to the rain) a few trucks running from Kiowa/Hazelton down to the Y-Z elevator in Enid. I've got 2 loads to Lubbock this week, so I'll only get a few loads of harvest wheat in myself. The last couple of harvests have been so crowded and hit and miss with the weather I don't mind sticking to my feed loads. The extra money is there, but you gotta work for it. Not to mention, with the DOT getting stiffer on log books, it's getting tougher and tougher to make it all "look" right.

    Big John Thanks this.
  10. Cluck Cluck

    Cluck Cluck LTL Wizard

    May 6, 2010
    Dunkirk, Indiana
    Big John I go to the YZ i always pick Z but im driving a black KW tandem with a pup on a custom harvest crew, i'd like to get my own personal truck out here next harvest, i like driving down here except i need A/C
    Big John Thanks this.
  11. Big John

    Big John Road Train Member

    Oct 7, 2006
    I did the harvest run back in 1987 (just out of school) and again in 90' and 91' then went trucking full time and in 93' bought my first truck. We started in Vernon, TX then back to Enid, OK - Cimmaron, KS - Greely, CO - Belle Fouche, SD and back home get ready and go to Greenwood, MS to cut rice and soy beans in the fall, those were the days.
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