How come Walmart drastically lowered their requirements

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Trucks66, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. Trucks66

    Trucks66 Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    If I recall, it used to be a minimum of 10 years driving experience but now they only want two and a half to three years?
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  3. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    When I looked at them.

    It was 5 years with current employment and good vision. That was a few years back.

    Insurance is who makes the requirements.

    They did have a problem with one of their drivers. Dude drove 700 miles to work. And then drove FOR work. And got in an accident. Just a few miles in to his shift.

    I don't listen to the roaddog channel anymore so I don't know if they've had any other problems since.
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
  4. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Why? Because they’ve increased the number of trucks they have and they need to fill them.
  5. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    According to some old-timers I know who used to drive for them, it's because driving for Walmart is nowhere near as good of a job as it used to be in the old days, so it's more difficult for them to retain drivers.
  6. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    They've lowered from what they were 20 years ago but times have changed. Back then they had about 5,000 trucks with a bunch of old timers. Now they've got about 15,000 and lots of the old timers have retired. Keeping standards so high worked great when they didn't have to hire a lot of drivers. Now that they're expanding and guys retiring there's a lot of seats to fill.

    If you're qualified you still have to pass their onboarding. They don't just check your resume, test drive around the block, then toss you a set of keys like everywhere hiring drivers does. They do still have standards. You're not going to come to Walmart and do it your way. It’s not extremely difficult to get past onboarding but some drivers can't cut it. Then there's the current job market that isn't in drivers' favor so every job opening gets swamped with applicants. It's the easiest piece of cake job there is driving a truck. You could be lazy and make $100k.
    Rugerfan, brian991219 and bryan21384 Thank this.
  7. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    What driver shortage?
    Wargames Thanks this.
  8. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    you better touch them 100 lugnuts your on
    motocross25 Thanks this.
  9. Trucks66

    Trucks66 Light Load Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Interesting. I drive for a mega and make close to 100K. But the only difference is I get to go home everyday
  10. Atlanta trucker

    Atlanta trucker Road Train Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    Years ago I was delivering to a walmart and struck up a conversation with a walmart driver. I was trying to have a light hearted friendly conversation and this poor old guy was almost shouting at me about how walmart is now awful. He did say it was great years ago but now ... they bug you about everything under the sun , and then they bug you about everything behind the moon. He was following me around telling every problem he was having as a driver because of Wally ... funny as hell , I will never forget it. The grass is always greener on the other side. Just might be twice as hard to mow.
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