How fit?

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by Hoot67, May 18, 2016.

  1. cnsper

    cnsper Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    You guys that thing flatbedding is hard work really need a reality check.15 minutes throwing straps or 30 minutes slinging chains... Really hard isn't it? Takes you longer to hook all the bungees than to actually tarp. Yes you get hot, sweaty and dirty but that does not make it hard work.

    Oh but the tarps are heavy. And you lift them maybe twice a day?

    Some people need to do a job that is really hard work, then they will appreciate how easy they have it and quit whining about how hard this work is.
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    JOHNQPUBLIC Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Central New York
    Who was whining? I just read through all the posts. Don't see any whining or claims that flatbedding is the hardest work out there or that there aren't harder jobs.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  4. DrFlush

    DrFlush Road Train Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    Upstate NY
    Hell I'm a flatbedder and I've gained 45 lbs since I started driving. Easiest job I've ever had
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  5. cnsper

    cnsper Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    @JOHNQPUBLIC I didn't say it was the hardest and neither did they. They were stating that it is hard work and it really is not. Plain and simple.
  6. Hzareski

    Hzareski Bobtail Member

    May 29, 2016
    Cincinnati , OH.
    I start orientation with Maverick on June 19th and will be going through their CDL sponsored school. This is a major career change for me. I did choose Maverick because of their reputation and the flatbed division to keep active and stay in shape.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.

    JOHNQPUBLIC Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Central New York
    I guess what is or is not hard is a matter of opinion. What is considered hard work varies by individuals personal opinions or fitness levels. You did label people who consider flatbed work hard whiners.

    I do not have much of an opinion on the subject other than I do van & flatbed requires more physical activity than that. I am only looking at this thread because I have considered flatbedding.

    And finally, if you are so inclined, just as a heads up, I won't be getting into a back and forth pissing match about this either after this post. Many threads on here seem to disintegrate into that crap and I can see this one unfortunately going that way.
  8. whatamaroon

    whatamaroon Bobtail Member

    May 24, 2016
    Brother... between Securement, Tarping, and Glass training... Ive lost about 6 pounds in the past couple of weeks. If the physical activity isnt enough, the Arkansas summer will sweat you in to shape pretty quickly.

    For the record... I keep 45lbs dumbells in the truck and lift a few sets a day plus when I shut down for the night, I make a point whenever possible to walk a mile or more; even if it is just laps around a truck stop lot.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  9. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    You can come out west or the south and burn that weight off.

    Not being able to eat much while schlepping coils into the hungry whirlpool plant daily throwing chains several times a day will make you fit enough in time.

    Plus the thousand cuts nutrition of Iron for your blood.

    To me Flat bedding is a joy. It can and will be a battle when the winds kick up. But it's a much higher art and finesse in wrapping a load to look neat and tidy compared to just tossing #### into any old Box.
    Hoot67 Thanks this.
  10. S M D

    S M D Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2012
    sacramento ca
    I was 165 lbs basketball player started driving 3 years later 238lbs decided I needed a change put the hit pockets and Arby's down(since every truck stop has Arby's lol) now back to 210 solid. Running 48. Proper diet goes a long way. And shout out to my fridge and microwave lol.

    And always searching for gyms whenever I have down time

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