How hard is it for an American to be hired as a truck driver in Australia?
Discussion in 'Australian Truckers Forum' started by lupe, Aug 1, 2010.
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this thread here is alot of help. my question is: do imgrants to the down under. still have to have sponsered housing? in order to live there after finding work? it seems that on the austrailian imagration website. I read something about having to get sponsered housing prior to moving to autrsilia, and I think I read where imagrants have to have a sponsering company or employer before moving to austrailia.
Operating Road Trains in the mining game some company's are paying 120,000 gross Fly in Fly out roster shifts like 2 weeks on and 1 week off or 9 days on 5 days off they pay for every thing flights , accommodation and meals onsite and work clothing and work boots I have been in long haul game and not able to plan family time because out on the road,Ever since been working in the mining game operating road trains working to these rosters you plan ahead with your family
G'day gentlemen, I'm an Irish owner driver with 15 years behind me, and to cut a long story short I'm sick of over regualation and not making enough money, I'm heading to australia in October to see Casey Stoner in the Philip island round of the moto gp (I'm going to see him win it I'm sure), I was wondering would it be possible for me to get a job trucking in the mining industry ? Or is there high paying long distance jobs there as Im not too worried about time off. Also would it be possible for me to start up another business straight away when I get there? Do you guys know any companies in the mining industry that would hire me? Thanks in advance for any help, take it easy and keep em between the ditches
Scania man Thanks this.
Scania man Thanks this.
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