How hard is it for an American to be hired as a truck driver in Australia?

Discussion in 'Australian Truckers Forum' started by lupe, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. ducky698

    ducky698 Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2013
    Hi, why would you want to live here driving trucks? I will swap you. I live here in Perth Western Australia and I own a Mack and pull triple road trains up north. our max gcm is 115 ton on high way and 173feet long with 3 45foot trailers. we have to back 2 on to the third most times up at Wubin road train assembly area. any truck that goes over the the 26th parallel requires an icepack so keeping cool isnt a drama. driving east-west, well if you could go around south australia you would have a great trip. north is much better. Linfox may hire you but who knows, you can only try. there is much better tho. here is the land of you cant do that! you always have some one telling you no that can not be done, or no your not allowed that. by all means, come and take a look. but to live here, well I would swap you in a heart beat.

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  3. Old - School

    Old - School Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    What would be the chance for someone wanting to drive in Australia for only a couple of weeks to a month just for the adventure of it? I'm sure no one would hire you but was thinking of a temp agency. I do have a class A-CDL with all the endorsements like doubles and triples, tanker, and hazmat. Was just wondering. I've never had the desire to leave the US but at the same time I've always found Australia fascinating.
  4. ducky698

    ducky698 Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2013
    Hi, an international license will only allow you to drive a car here. you could go with some one on a run or two. but in order to get a MC license you need to have driven hc vehicles first for 12 mths.

    MC = multi combination
    hc = single combination, one trailer.

    do you pull the road trains out of michigan? the 2x 53 footers or are you pulling the 3 pups? there only 20 feet or so per trailer for memory? here we are pulling 3x 45 foot trailers.

    I had the same problem when I was there, cant legaly drive a A-cdl truck with out doing some sort of coarse. there was talk at some stage of the USA trialing a B double but I dont think it ever happened. your roads are suited for them, but it never eventuated.

    I would love to move back there full time. here is just no good. to many rules for any thing you want to do here.

    Old - School Thanks this.
  5. Pullin2

    Pullin2 Crusty Canuck

    Nov 5, 2011
    Whoville Pub, Long Island
    All Canadian province allow super B train doubles. All also allow LCV ( twin 53' footers ) but only on certain roads. Various US states allow same IE 'Turnpikers' twin 53's on Thruways etc. B trains, although safer and easier to maneuver, are limited to only a handful of states.

    I have and ex-Aussie Army driver buddy of mine hauling zinc mine trains. He loves it .... and the money ..... says it took 5 years to move up to the position he has now ....... now he's itching to come to Canada and haul ice road super B doubles in North West Territories for a season.
  6. ducky698

    ducky698 Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2013
    hi, cool. what is a super B double? we also run B triples here. View attachment 58595 pic attached.

  7. Pullin2

    Pullin2 Crusty Canuck

    Nov 5, 2011
    Whoville Pub, Long Island
    Hey - your image didn't come thru. Here is a wood chip super b. Same idea as Aussie B doubles and triples.

  8. ducky698

    ducky698 Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2013
    Hi, thats about it. our B doubles are usually a 20-25 ft A, and a 45 ft B trailer, a b triple has a about a 28 ft trailer in middle. the triple road train here is the one to drive. been a 173 feet long.

    Speedloader Thanks this.
  9. Old - School

    Old - School Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Thanks ducky that's not a bad idea just riding along with someone if I cant drive. Now I'm going to have to see how the best way to achieve that.
  10. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    Canadian B-trains are typically 9.75 m (32 ft) lead and 8.5 m (28 ft) pup with an overall length (including tractor) in the four western provinces of 25 m (82 ft). Maximum legal weight is 63,500 kg (140,000 lbs).

    I have been thinking about looking for any (temporary) work opportunities near your fair city. My 80-year-old father relocated there several years ago (his wife is from there). I would like to spend some time with him beyond a holiday visit. I actually would not be looking for a driving job and have varied experience (including senior management) across a variety of industries, but mostly trucking, oilfield, construction and financial.
  11. ducky698

    ducky698 Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2013
    Hi, you should be able to get some sort of work visa if he is here, maybe should check the Australian visa web site.. if not we be here, am sure you would love a drive.
    Happy New Year.

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