How is hartland??anyone know

Discussion in 'Heartland' started by leftlane71, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. giants14701

    giants14701 Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    I work for triple c you willl seee me there most holidays. And every now and then, I use to run for heartland outtta the carlisle term.
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  3. Klown

    Klown Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Satellite Beach, Fl
    So far my time at Heartland has not been good. my avg miles are from 1100 to 1400 a week. My truck only does 61 on a good day. I can never talk to my FM cause he is also the terminal manager so there for i have to deal with everyone eles in the office ( some are nice and helpful ) All in all i think working for Heartland has been a waste of my time. I always get stuck on loads that are 200 miles or less and thats what i get for the day. Plus but im sorry but i will not burn up in there #### truck so thay can save money on fuel. If thay had apu's it wouldnt bother me n im sure alot of other drivers. Workin here at Heartland is a joke...
  4. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    As I have said on some other posts recently in other threads.
    I am thinking about moving from them. My issues are more because of the short miles. I am tired of running 200-300 unpaid miles every week. Sure I am home, but the past few months I have only been bringing home an average of around 600 a week. And quite a few weeks my take home has been less.
    Part of this is paying 94 bucks a week for health insurance that does not cover anything. And it has a 1000 dollar deductable per person.
    I may go to system and try it to see if it is any better. But most system drivers I have talked too are not getting any more miles than I am. But at least it would be more per mile.
  5. giants14701

    giants14701 Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    System drivers are the same as what you are now, only diff is you willl be in diff areas.
  6. Snakeman 02

    Snakeman 02 Bobtail Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    hi i like to know if Heartland hires students.because i have my CDL clean and all my Endorsement's. if not please let me know what company good to start With.i like to drive teams.3 month ago i started going with TMC and i found out day looking for the cream of the crop. and dare computer test was crazy i got piss i toke bus back home.
  7. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    Any company that takes students is not looking for the cream of the crop, espically not TMC.
    They are looking for the sheep they can control easy.
  8. gunrunner07

    gunrunner07 Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    I just came from heartless as of July,5 2011 I hate to say it but all they care about is the load not the driver. I was a salaried regional south driver aka at1 have wife and kids just couldn't stand the attitude of dispatcher Matt even when you asked 1 question they acted like you were supposed to no that and I was there only a month the hometime was 34 to 48 hours and yah you get loads but there not organized to where you don't have to wait some kind of time but I dont maybe it was just me wanting to be home more and be local just not a regional type guy or otr
  9. pmurcyard

    pmurcyard Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2011
    Chromedome Are you still getting home every weekend? And what is the holiday schedule did you get any time off around christmas and new year?
  10. pilottravel2002

    pilottravel2002 Medium Load Member

    May 25, 2011
    Nobody works on the phx division????
  11. ChromeDome

    ChromeDome Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Lakeland, FL
    I am Columbus, and salary dedicated.
    Yes, I get home every weekend. Most say that Columbus is the best terminal to work out of. Since most of the dispatchers were drivers for years before going into OP's.
    Issues come in when not in region though. Since as soon as I leave my region I am at the mercy of the region I am in.
    This is when salary helps. Since I am not dispatched for max miles. But max revenue to the truck. And they try to get me back to my region as soon as possible.
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