How much can I make with CRE?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by snowbird_89, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK

    threatning them was the only way i got my 2 hometimes lol. it was like no matter whati did, they didnt work it for me. lets say they gave me a run that only took 3 days to deliver and the deliver date was in 5days. i give them the time i would be there in 3 and give them a eta and pta inorder to either deliver early or a swap or whatever to keep rolling. but no, i have to call the rcvr myself and try to get them to take it early or what i can do with it. wth is up with that! thats not my job. yet i didnt want to sit for 2 days...although most times i had to. thats what i hated. i had alot of good runs solo, but for whatever reason, team mileage stunk. im glad if it worked for you, but it doesnt for all of us and im not a slacker driver so i wasnt being punished lol.
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  3. Xeiim

    Xeiim Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    If you go negative as a company driver, you are seriously doing something wrong. I'm a solo lease driver(which makes me retarded) and i still have positive paychecks. Bad drivers get bad miles. Good drivers get good miles.
  4. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    not always the case driver..... i am a #### good driver, safety, on time loads, all my students got off my truck at 100%, and i ran my butt off everytime they needed me to take emergency loads and recoveries..... so not always the case... i take offense to that.
  5. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    With who? How long?
  6. Tom_AF7J

    Tom_AF7J Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2011
    Ogden, Ut
    I have gone against the grain on advice here and went on my own. Cr England is Not as Bad as some say consider the source when Getting Advice. Cr England Is trying to show the public that they do care about safety by Using YouTube as a source To demonstrating there efforts to train safe drivers. And by having video that are repeated in there training I saw one or two video twice in different times. of my training They want you to be on time or early for there classes it shows your willingness to run ahead of time or be on time. If you think they have gone to extreme on Safety you are Right. With slogan like G.O.A.L Road Smart. Sight Seeing Space with Time in the Middle and Drive For Life they mean it. They welcomed my Controversial concerns and have realized that I am Here to drive safe for them.
    I have completed my Training and I am ready to Drive solo as a IC Lease Operator.
  7. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    No complaints about CREs training materials. You can generally even find a good nugget in the monthly safety videos.

    Their issue is in the trainers. You can get a good one, like I did with 10 years experience. Or you could wind up with someone with 6 months of experience, no winter behind them, struggling to make it as solo IC and has to resort to training to make it ... It's the blind leading the blind at that point and the real cause behind CREs safety issues.
  8. Tom_AF7J

    Tom_AF7J Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2011
    Ogden, Ut
    Years has nothing to do with it It comes down to the driver You could say some trainers are bad but what was it I will tell you that Trip Planing and Pretrips for most Trainers was what they missed on and The vir was leave everything unchecked and send it Via Macro. Oh and trying to help you back up go right go left turn away or Towards the gap. Oh and sliding those Trailer Tandems. I got on my trainer and asked questions many times to teach me how to do this. And He has over 20 years. I am a newby But I know what Needs to be done to be a safe driver.
  9. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    it does depend ont he trainer, if they are a driver that WANTS to teach or a driver that just uses you to run the truck forward. unfortuantly there are too many that just use the students as runners. I teach EVERYTHING possibly can in the 14 days i have them. as a phase 2 trainer ( i refused phased 1), it disgusted me on how little they knew after 30 or more days on a phase one truck! a month and they still cant back, a month and they know nothing of the qualcom, nothing about the elogs, trip planning, pms, and so on. i def didnt get paid enough for all the work, but i was very greatful and happy that after they left my truck they felt safer and and felt more prepared to go out on thier own.
  10. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    Hrtbreaker 8 where you working now? I had to train a former cre
    Driver had been trough both phases, did not know jack ! But he had to learn!
    He had friends behind, last week he was with me, he found out they
    Had 19 roll overs! In one week? Using drivers with 6 months exp as
    Trainers, that's what you asking for! Hope all is good at current job!
  11. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    WOW! 19 roll overs in one week? I don't care how big the outfit is, if true that is something to think about before working their
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