How much can I make with CRE?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by snowbird_89, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Years has everything to do with it ... you can't teach what you don't know.

    You're a newby ... you think you know. It's December, the weather hasn't started to really turn bad yet. You're going to be out here on your own trying to figure things out.

    As far as being on your own as a solo IC, winter/holidays will make or break an a lease IC. Be prepared, getting enough miles to make any money at CRE over the holidays can be difficult.
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  3. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    I had a trainer with less than one year experience, and sorry, but one does not know enough with less than a year to train anyone. There's more to driving safely than backing, trip planning and pre-trips. It's a joke for a driver to think they can train with a year or less. Heck, as far as I am concerned less than 3 years isn't enough time under the belt to be a trainer.
    sdaniel and Mtn Gal Thank this.
  4. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    Had 20 years in before I started training ! But trainees know
    When I tell them something its from exp! "Op " best of luck
    ! But do your homework before you sign up, not just with
    Cre, anyone!
  5. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    EXACTLY! Ive been out since 2006 and i dont know EVERYTHING, but i have been everywhere and thru everything imaginable, winter rain, huricanes, tornados, ice storms wind storms, dust storms.... all i can do is do my best with the students and make sure i give them 200% of my knowledge and make sure they know they can call me if ever they have questions they are too embarresed to ask other experienced drivers, if i dont know the answer, by God ill find out, then i will know too lol.
  6. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    the material is great. but the hands on stinks!!!! the instructors need to be more on top of the safty and additional learning on the range as well. not just ok, do your pull ups and parking and hook and unhook.....sometimes, just sometimes they show chaining. material is awesome but follow through needs work.
  7. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    i just got off otr to be with my kids and get moved to TX. then im gonna turn o/o or run my personal business out of dallas. all depends on what will make out better. i love the rd. there are alot of students like that! we u cant look at all of us trainers as bad one because of the bad apples in the group...some of us do our best, but we cant train EVERYONE.
  8. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    the company cant run the trucks, they are not to blame for rollover events. its drivers going to fast on ramps and curves, and weather (WIND) that is out of thier control. but ya last year we had 6 drivers die in one week due to students getting on off ramps to fast 4 students and 2 drivers died. every company has that issue, its the drivers not the company name.
  9. sdaniel

    sdaniel Road Train Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    Pelham N.C.
    harbr8er , was not trying to say it was every one of their trainers or it was just cre , that was the issue! But putting drivers with 6 months exp in training postion is not fair to the trainer or the trainee ! Trainee is there to learn and trainer is still getting a grab on it all ! the program looks like it out grew its britchs. But that is leading to weeks like the one I had talked about (19 roll overs) Every carrier is going to have some . Deff was not tring to put you or your job proformance down in any way ! Best of luck on which ever path You choose !
    hrtbr8kr Thanks this.
  10. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    no, 6 months is way to short to train, i completely agree. there need to be at least a 2 yr they have been thru the seasons and experienced most rds. thanks, im dont say things to mislead or to bring a neg aproach, i just want to share my experience and from there anyone can run with it. but yes, i do understand about the lack of experience. my first trainer in 06 was a greenhorn and i think i was more nervous with him than i was with myself lol. but, if the company tells him to train, he trains i quess. good luck to ya, but just be prepared for the BS and the good of the lifestyle and what the companies throw at ya.
  11. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    i have decided to but a truck and spend a few years getting it how i want it while i run locally with a comapny in thier truck. and run my photography as i go. big plate, but i can do it.
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