How much does my boss earn off each dumpster?

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by tkdplayer, May 19, 2012.

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  1. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    well, from the perspective that I am trying to get my own business up and running again, the more I think about how much my boss is making off me, the more it pisses me off.

    So my solution is to not think about it.

    Just be happy that you are working and bringing in a stable paycheck and realize that the goal you are going to need to start anything is likely around $30-50,000 for a start up and go with it from there.

    If you even think you can do this with one roll-off and a truck, I'll wish you the best of luck.
    tkdplayer Thanks this.
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  3. Guntoter

    Guntoter Road Train Member

    Mar 24, 2012
    Phoenix, AZ
    I had a driver specifically ask a shipper for the Freight bill (my drivers only had BOL in their trucks) the shipper opened the file and handed him the bill with the freight amount on it. From that day on our relationship changed, he complained to other drivers about how they were all getting sk rewed. It ended his 2 year career with me. Imagine the surprise of everyone else a couple of years later when they all lost their jobs because I wasnt making ANY money.

    You may see how much you think you could be making, but honestly in most types of trucking you need 10 or more trucks to earn as much as driving one for someone else.

    10% of truck owners make 90% of the money... That means you will be in the 90% making 10% of the money until you own 10 trucks.
    Gearjammin' Penguin Thanks this.
  4. misterG

    misterG Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    ask my dispatcher
    All the world concerned, its none of your business. What the boss makes is his business alone.

    If you have another option or two, than might I suggest that you exercise those options.
  5. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012

    One truck and one dumpster!!:biggrin_2556:
  6. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    By you the time you figure fuel, dump fees, truck, building, boxes, mechanic, maintenance, wages, taxes, insurance.... he might make $40 a box.

    That's all besides the point. You either decide to be an employee or an employer. It takes any business owner many years of hard work and risks to even break even. They deserve to reap any rewards from their actions.

    As an employee check with other companies and see what they are paying in your area. It varies by cost of living. There ought to be Waste Management up there. Do you bring any experience to the table?

    Personally I wouldn't work for anyone that didn't provide benefits. You ain't gonna get rich running a rolloff. When I ran rolloff back in the 90's I worked for our county gov't. The pay wasn't the best but consistent. I had a gravy job and the best benefits I ever had. Paid health insurance with no deductible, state retirement system, paid holidays, sick pay, vacation...
    Those bennies mean a lot.

    If you want to make good money running local get into LTL. If you want great benefits and a gravy job, work for the state DOT running a dump truck.
    tkdplayer and Gearjammin' Penguin Thank this.
  7. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012

    I've been exposed to this business for only two weeks and I can already tell it seems like all you people are all the same.( At least in the garbage business) Bunch of gossipy little b-i-t-c-hes who brag about who's better at dumping a dumpster at the landfill and all have something stuck in their poopshoot. It's funny but at the same time sad.

    I most likely will after a collect another paycheck or two, like gman said owning your own business especially this type pretty much becomes your whole life. A couple years from now when i'm done with some of my other hobbies and am more financially stable I'll probably open a taco stand.
  8. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    one thing comes to mind......

  9. tkdplayer

    tkdplayer Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    This was a really good post, appreciate it.
  10. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012

    He started out asking if anyone knew how much his boss was making off of dumpsters.

    Then he got pissed when people told him it's not really his to worry about.

    The he gets snotty when he's told that it's gonna cost some serious change to get a business started and then a couple years of hard work.

    Then he gets twisted up and telling people they are #####.....

    Really nice way to endear yourself to people when asking for advice.
  11. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010

    People are your greatest asset and your biggest liability when you are a business owner. There is something called the 90/10 rule in life. For instance, 10% of the people earn 90% of the money. I have owned a number of companies over the years. I recall reading somewhere many years ago that success is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration.

    I have also had a lot of people working for me. Over those years I have had some who thought they could do a better job of running my company than me. Some of them had already tried and failed in their own business. Funny thing is that they were working for me, yet they knew how to better run my business than me. It is one thing to say that you want to start a business. It is another to make it happen. I would not say that someone who decides to build a big corporation is any smarter then the small shop owner. They may just have different ambitions.

    You think that most people who own businesses are idiots, yet you work for an idiot? Interesting!! You are correct about one thing. Running a business is not rocket science. It does take a certain level of drive and ambition. It takes a certain mindset. It also takes time to become successful. Just because the business is working well doesn't mean that the boss can go home early. I am afraid that you are in for a huge reality check if you do decide to go into business for yourself. You can work smart. But, you will still not be working 9-5 if you plan on becoming successful. I think that it is a great education for anyone to start their own business. They will either become successful or will better appreciate what the boss goes through. You see, when you have employees, you are responsible not only for yourself, but for all of your employees and their families. All of them rely on you for their very existence. If you fail then they will no longer have an income, food or shelter. The more employees, the greater your responsibilities. Not everyone is cut out to run a successful business. While it isn't rocket science, it does require a different mindset than being an employee. Most people find it difficult to make the change from employee to employer.
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