How much is your weekly check?

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Gucci25, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Dominick253

    Dominick253 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    I can't delete my comment.
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  3. Dominick253

    Dominick253 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    I had to do paper logs for a week when my truck was down. Hated them. Being local and having to put thirty stops in a day makes it really tough to right neatly. I think once people start using elogs there's no going back. Of course I've been raised on a computer so maybe that's why I like elogs so much. I also don't want to work anywhere near 70/hrs a week. I guess if I was otr I'd like paper better. It'd really suck to be 15 minutes away from a stop and have to shut down for the day. Or regional and have to wait until the next day to get home.
  4. Chewbongka

    Chewbongka Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2015
    ^^^ if you are 15 minutes from a stop you can switch to off duty and write in " seeking safe haven" in the notes to be in compliance with DOT. Same thing if you are close to home you can go to line five or "Personal Conveyance" and you can get home.

    If you get to your destination safely while doing these two options then you are golden however you want to be cool headed when driving in these conditions, don't go speeding, blowing through lights or get in an accident. You may get in trouble if your are stupid but your logs will be in compliance and that may be the difference between getting a fine or going to jail.
    Kropotkin75 Thanks this.
  5. Sad_Panda

    Sad_Panda Road Train Member

    Dec 2, 2006
    You ran paper logs as a local driver.....

    Dominick253 Thanks this.
  6. Dominick253

    Dominick253 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    Yeah. Company policy because we sometimes go out of the 100 mile limit.
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