How to fix the trucking industry, quickly

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Lennythedriver, Oct 29, 2024.

  1. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    The concept began in the early Roman Empire, where a master was held liable for the actions of his servants - respondent superior. "Sure Tiberus Minimus was my vassal, and he burned down Maxiums Tibius's barn which resulted in me doubling the price of my crops, but why should I be held responsible?"

    Say I contracted with Bob McGee to brew bathtub gin in his house. Bob invariably ends up burning down not just his house but the entire neighborhood. Bob has no insurance. Your own insurance says "we're not liable for your neighbor's arson". Without the concept of vicarious liability, you have no recourse against me - the only guy with any assets.

    More to the point, without the concept of vicarious liability both the boat owner and the higher corporate structure would be able to completely deny any liability for the Key Bridge strike and the resulting costs.
    silverspur Thanks this.
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  3. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    I'm not sure what your point is here because airline pilots are required to speak English when communicating with ATC everywhere in the world.
  4. Deere hunter

    Deere hunter Road Train Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Shallowater Texas
    Yak, yak, yak, we all know it ain't gonna change probably gonna get it worse. So like the marine's say adapt and overcome and make the best of it. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'd like to see it, but I haven't seen anything voted in that made anything better in the last 20 years.
    D.Tibbitt, Long FLD and TheLoadOut Thank this.
  5. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    The new hire, because they actually caused the loss, and the ops manager, because they knowingly allowed the new hire to perform job functions which they knew the employee could not do safely. The trainer made a good-faith report to management that the new hire could not safely perform their job functions, so the trainer is in the clear.

    Not unless they specifically ordered or knowingly allowed something illegal to happen.

    If the VP altered a document that originally stated that an employee could not safely perform their job, had not successfully completed training, etc., or in the absence of such a document generated one that they intentionally falsified - or ordered someone else to perform either of the above actions - then they should be held accountable.

    Again, not unless they specifically ordered or knowingly allowed something illegal to happen. Merely stating that costs are excessive and must be reduced doesn't even come close to qualifying.
  6. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Liability should be determined by whose actions or omissions cause the loss, not by who has (or does not have) assets.
  7. staceydude

    staceydude Road Train Member

    Apr 3, 2020
    Legit it may not be easy.. Money exchanges hands very quickly there and you can buy almost anything. Look up the Learjet 45 accident when the aircraft crashed into the plaza in Mexico City years ago. Neither pilot was ever actually trained on that jet. I’ve had many pilots from Mexico who will tell you that a pilot lic. Can be easily bought. A type rating can be bought. I can only imagine how much cheaper a CDL would be.
  8. Mr Uturn

    Mr Uturn Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2021
    So that's why we have so many Russian, Bosnian, and other man's out here today.
    D.Tibbitt Thanks this.
  9. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Have inspections filmed and posted on YouTube . Zoom in on any defects and if there is a dispute about violations/repairs that need to be performed let an off site party review the film.

    Set a computer up at the weigh stations to give basic english proficiency tests. Road sign reading etc. If you can't pass the test you get declared an imminent public safety hazard and the truck gets towed.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
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