How to identify the warning signs of a stroke - MSN

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Mar 4, 2024.

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  2. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Take an aspirin every day to help prevent stroke.
    80 mg is all you need every day.
    The_vett and silverspur Thank this.
  4. Spardo

    Spardo Light Load Member

    Slightly slurred speech, one side of the face drooping a little, one arm limp. Test if arms can be lifted, test if can smile and if so is it wide and not down on one side.
    My wife has had 3 mini strokes over the last 5 years, the first one was while I was away overnight, arrived home at breakfast time to see her still at the table from last night's meal, one arm hanging down face lobsided, unable to speak. Speed is of the essence and I had no means of knowing how long she had been like that other than she was ok the previous evening when I made my usual call.
    Now totally disabled with vascular dementia.
    Any symptoms like that, get on the phone, fast.

    2 asides: Bizarrely our dog had a couple of brief mini strokes a few months ago. Different symptoms, running around all the rooms in the house, jumping on his settee and then straight off again. Lasted only 2 minutes. Now on Candilat pills for the rest of his life, totally fine at 9 and a half years, runs around everywhere nose to ground and loves everyone.

    Lifelong friend, walking down to the town centre one day with his wife, she suspected a problem by his gait but couldn't stop him walking. She phoned 999 (UK emergency code) asked for an ambulance, was asked location, she gave street and shop name then same street next shop, then passing junction, he just kept going and only agreed to an ambulance on condition there were no blues and twos (lights and sirens). Ended up with the ambulance chasing him down the road and stopping ahead of him. He's ok now, like our dog, pills for life and we can't stop laughing at each re-telling. :Ambulance car v2::biggrin_25514:
    The_vett, silverspur and Chinatown Thank this.
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