How to make money in trucking....????

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by jrsytrucker, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Hurst

    Hurst Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Tampa, Fl
    Legal or not,.. it is what it is. My CPM and other perks are above and beyond what other drivers with less than 2 yrs 'recent' experience are offered or get. I've seen a few companies offering more,. but I imagine the driver needs to have at least 5+ yrs OTR and a spotless record in order to get it.

    Also,.. I just did my taxes (Actually my wife did), we paid a tax CPA that specializes in OTR truckers. I was nervous thinking I would owe money. Never filed 1099 before. I actually have a $2100 refund coming.

    So what ever is illegal or how ever I am being screwed over,.. I'll keep bending over each week because I like the checks I get. I pay my taxes quarterly and will ride this train till it runs out of tracks.

    I understand the benefits of me being 1099 for my boss. So what should I do? Quit? Go work for some company with their own accounting firm to nickel and dime me to death? All the while getting less CPM, less miles and most likely much smaller paychecks. I dont feel I am being unfairly paid for what I do. At my previous company,.. yes I was getting screwed. So I think the whole 1099 deal is a matter of perspective. Some get burned,.. others do ok. Me,..? I'm just fine.
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  3. The Challenger

    The Challenger Kinghunter

    Dec 22, 2007
    East Central FL

    All I will say is buy workmans comp insurance if employer does not provide it. I believe 1099 employers do not have to pay that. I am glad you finally found something that fits your needs.

  4. Hurst

    Hurst Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Tampa, Fl
    Well thats pretty much the main goal to hire someone as a 1099 is to get out of paying that workmans comp insurance. I mean if you have 10 - 15 drivers all under 1099,.. the cost savings is pretty substantial.

    I've thought about getting it. Particularly now that I am back to a flatbed and the drawn out winter we've seen (Someone needs to shoot that ground hog). Still on the fence at the moment. Just spent $11k last month so my wife could get her teeth fixed. So all spending is pretty much on hold until I can replace it.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  5. Fiddle Sticks

    Fiddle Sticks Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Technically, since he is 1099'ed, he is more or less considered 'Self Employed'. The most common insurance to replace Workers Compensation for the Self-Employed is "Occupational Accident Insurance"--and like WC, it ain't cheap, but I think it is still cheaper than WC.
  6. Autocar

    Autocar Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2012
    The Hot Rod Shop Oxford, AL
    I know someone that tried that. He lost all 20 trucks, his house and pretty much everything he owned when the judge declared he was not a contractor, but an employer and to take care of his driver's medical bills and income, until that driver was medically released back to work, after falling off the truck. The driver did not suffer a short term injury, but a long term disability
    He saved nothing and lost everything by being cheap and stupid.
    Fiddle Sticks Thanks this.
  7. Autocar

    Autocar Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2012
    The Hot Rod Shop Oxford, AL
    Technically, since he supplies nothing, but labor, not even the truck, he is an employee to the IRS and any state labor board, 1099 or not.
  8. Fiddle Sticks

    Fiddle Sticks Light Load Member

    Dec 24, 2012

    I am not carrying the football that far, but I would agree with you.

    I just took a snapshot of what 'is' as of my reply this evening, that he claims to be 1099'ed, and thus, whether rightly or wrongly, he is a defacto Self-Employed worker.

    I hate it when I get 1099'ed and am treated like an employee, but here again, this is not the issue. The issue is the matter at hand as of midnight CDT April 06, 2013. He is 1099'ed--he is for all purposes Self-Employed until further status is changed otherwise.

  9. Autocar

    Autocar Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2012
    The Hot Rod Shop Oxford, AL
    He may be self employed to some, however he is not legally self employed.
  10. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    I always want to be considered a contractor.:)
  11. RavenRyder

    RavenRyder Light Load Member

    Feb 18, 2013
    Airgas is my goal here in New England for the money.... I'm just now going back to groceries... I think you need to assess a few things to figure out where you belong... what your goals are... why you're a truck driver... is it a job to make money, such as myself... or do you look at it, as a lifestyle... I believe the romanticism of being a footloose and fancy free road warrior is that of a bygone era... those things have been put to rest by technology... an extreme focus on safety... an economy that has so changed because if you think about.... and look at how it's relative to manufacturing that is so minimal as to how it used to be.
    I am going to start a new thread... that I definitely welcome everybody's input. but for you jrsy... here... look around you.... forget the romanticism of the road... you say your girl loves the sunshine state.. cool... ya know what... if you are that thoughtful of your woman to not look outside of florida because that's where she wants to be... that tells me you love her and will work around her... then... man... your concern should be spending every moment you can around her... meaning not wasting your short time on earth working for $$$ that aren't there... don't waste your life chasing a dream (if it's to be a road warrior) that dream is a dying... or actually dream that no longer exists. I would point you to a recent post on the million milers thread... like alot of things that used to exist... they are no more. 'nuff said there.
    Pick a job that you can drive a big truck... make a reasonable paycheck... and cherish your relationships, and live them and enjoy them... I'm assuming you're kinda a young guy... a good woman... and the experience of having kids and a young family....? PRICELESS... Search out my thread that I'm going to start tonight... I'm going to give my honest opinion from a guy that spent many younger years searching... with all kinds of issues... now I'm sidetracking.. jersy.. if it's about the income... to keep your family comfortable.. then look at what people need...
    I'll leave you with this thought... No matter... hear me .. NO MATTER WHERE THE ECONOMY GOES... PEOPLE HAVE TO EAT!!! HEAR ME young man... everyday grocery stores have to be resupplied... the economy can be in the toilet... everything can come to an abrupt halt... no more flat screens.. no more ipads... no more washing machines... even no more mail.. no more___ you fill in the blank... but I believe the last drivers to fall will be the guys and gals who supply those grocery store shelves... because we have to eat... it will be the last desperate move.
    You can make at least $1000 a week... be home everyday... try to enjoy those you love, and they that love you... don't go through life stuck on a job... you might love your job... but does it love you...? NO... that little lady that loves the sunshine state... who's waiting... while you're willing to call Florida home... personally too #### hot for me... don't waste the precious short time you have chasing a life that doesn't exist... That's all I have to offer my friend...
    Civilservant Thanks this.
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