How & Why

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by Daytime, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Daytime

    Daytime Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2023
    Just signed up im from Europe and have been reading about the bad companies fourm

    Why is so many people taking up this lease thing, are they not doing there homework
    Some of the stories are off the wall and could ruin a man's life
    Should always read the small print, think if I knew after a few weeks that they were robbing me they wouldn't be getting the truck back until deposit was paid back

    How are Russians getting into America and running truck companies, the mind boggles at the thought of it, would they be American with Russian descent, or are they as I call them tourists with a visa

    I always thought it was hard for an outsider to get into the States, I know you have plenty of Mexicans but what other countries do you have general workers coming from
    And how does people with no recognised trade get a visa
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  3. TB John

    TB John Company Shill of BYOB & CBD

    Dec 28, 2008
    I may be wrong but I think many are 2nd generation Russian or Ukrainians or whatever. Educated in the U.S. but instilled with the parents idea of what it took to get ahead in the old country.
    buddyd157 and Sons Hero Thank this.
  4. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    A couple observations, foreigners can come to the US on a travel visa. Nurses for instance, are welcome because we don't have enough or, the ones that do work want more $$$. Most skilled trades are welcome. As for Russians, I believe most will have an "inside connection" that being a local resident to help them get started in the biz, which doesn't require much. Or maybe it's a family affair, Pops has been here, starts the truck co, then passes it on to Jr, also, dispatching can be done VIA phone lines, the business address can be an apt or mail drop. I don't think the feds are that much on top of it. It's buyer beware, same with leasing.

    People come here from all over the world. The American dream, it's called. President Biden has opened the border, (funny how the illegals can cross the river, no problem, but the legal people have to wait in line to cross legally !)
  5. Daytime

    Daytime Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2023
    Hi thanks for that
    In Europe we have experienced worse in a sense that when they bring a new country into the euro zone and the country would have a poor economy the workers desert it and flood into other countries and bring the salary down because half of what we get paid is 3 times more than what they would get in their own home country
    Also we have trucks all over Europe from these ex Russian countries cutting the guts on price, example uk to Milan in normal times would cost about 2 thousand pounds Now these countries are doing it for 1 thousand pounds and sometimes less
    Very few countries left in the world that still has its own identity and origins
    As the saying goes spot the English man you'll be lucky and that's in there own country
  6. Daytime

    Daytime Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2023
    It's always the same, money talks
  7. Brandt

    Brandt Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2012
    Some bad trucking companies can go out of business one day and reopen under different name very fast. That’s my understanding how some do it.
    buddyd157 Thanks this.
  8. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Yeah, think about it, me as an American going to Russia to start a trucking co. I don't speak the language, I'm not familiar with their culture/food/living arrangements/procedures/govt agencies etc. But my intentions are to rip off drivers and live happily ever after ? In this foreign country ? I don't think so.

    It's been said and I've seen personally trucks with holes cut in the floorboard in the sleeper area where drivers "do their business" while truck in motion ! That's to keep the truck moving (to make more $$$) so they think. They live 24/7 in the truck saving every penney. Might even be family of 4. These are people from other countries. (trying to be nice) But that's their lifestyle, right ?

    I would say the Russians operating out of Chicago area (common knowledge) are attracted here by fellow cohorts and get help on the ins/outs of the biz. I posted above them having an inside connection, as opposed to just showing up to the U.S. and attempting to find their way.
    buddyd157 Thanks this.
  9. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    The work visa stuff is all bypassed if you own a small business .

    that’s why all the people from India lease motels and being their families and cousins etc over to work there .

    same with middle eastern people leasing a gas station and bringing all their family over to work there .

    and I assume the same with trucks . If they do the lease thing with a truck they bypass the work visa .

    And that’s just the legal ones .
    In the US there is literally no punishment for being caught here illegally .

    IF you ever do get caught , you MIGHT get deported but usually not .

    There are so many stories on here of people getting money stolen by Russian trucking companies , and by people on the US saying russian , they mean Russia, Ukraine , Bulgaria etc , all the former Soviet Union places , to Americans , anyone from a former Soviet republic are Russians .

    Almost everyone who posts on here and says they are from Europe are actually from Eastern Europe , east of the Berlin Wall , but never wants to say where they are actually from , I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a post from someone from western Europe , like Germany , Italy , France , UK, or Northern Europe like Netherlands Scandinavian etc
  10. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    Same reason car salesmen convince people to sign the dotted line on 20% APR. Its doable as long as things go perfectly. But then the AC unit in their home goes out, they need 1300 to get it fixed, bank account is empty because they've been overpaying on the car all along, and now they're selling it before its paid off with no equity and ending in a worse place than they started. But, there's always the chance it'll go perfectly and they'll come out on the other end, although probably in a worse spot than if they waited a few years and did it the right way. Lease purchase is the same way -- odds and contract aren't in driver's favor, but there's just barely enough hope to catch out impulsive people that need it now. They'll find the 5% of LP's sharing their success stories and use it as fuel to ignore the 95%. No one would play those odds at a casino, but somehow they do on a multi year contract.

    As far as Russians, there are a lot fewer than eastern Europeans. During war times a few decades ago, a lot of Eastern Europeans came over as refugees and it was with good reason. If you don't already know about it, it's pretty interesting history. I live in a Hotspot for Bosnian refugees and trucking is the number 1 industry for them here. A lot of the 1099 and shady business is just people getting in over their heads and following the lead of the wrong people here. They understandably want out of low paying Kentucky jobs, hear about their buddy's success in trucking (through shady practices), and then set up a half-***ed business plan with the same practices. Now their competing with all the other shady companies for the same cheap freight and just driving each other into the ground. In a nice way of putting it, it's a very 'cut throat' culture and that means everyone gets shafted before the owner does. Drivers, brokers, mechanics, etc. Same for any other Hotspot, such as St. Louis and Chicago.
    dunchues and roundhouse Thank this.
  11. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    I will say Eastern Europeans know how to save a penny. You don't know harsh and hard headed until you hear them with a broker, negotiating repair costs, etc. It's probably not good long term business practice, but they make it work. Pretty entertaining lol. And I will say most eastern Europeans can speak and read English well. It might be with an accent, but 99% of them where I live do just fine. It's pretty hard to live day to day in Kentucky or Missouri and not know a good amount of English lol. Kentucky isn't known for its diversity :D
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