hows it working out for ex Arrow drivers

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by lastgoodusername, Mar 13, 2010.

  1. lastgoodusername

    lastgoodusername Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    central NC
    read an article about a driver/s@#tbag in the latest issue of overdrive. how are the decent truckers fairing?
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  3. mothertrucker-

    mothertrucker- Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    took 1 1/2 years off, walking across america and 3 months in asia and biked 2 countries. Now i am at Sygma, so yeah pretty freaking awesome for me. I see flatbeds run my town almost as much as vans, so i am sure the jobs are there, plus many have helped. Man Ive been gone a long time, almost like OTR trucking!
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