Husband and Wife R&L 2021

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Cerberus XVI, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    Your right i dont like the whole seniority thing either. Cause some motha f-er whos lazy gets the best and easiest work paying the most cuase he been there longer when you might be more experienced and a better worker over all. Amongst other issues thats neither here nor there. I work for fedex contractor and besides not enough miles i basically call the shots go out when i want create my own schedule tell linehaul where i want to go sometimes weeks go exactly as i plan and ask but mostly i just get whatever they have i start my weeks between 8-10am get back and take 2-3 days off every week making 1800$ a week guaranteed minimum pay. So about 1350-1400$ net every week based upon minimum pay.. when i stay out 6-7 full days i do 5500-7000 miles but because fedex pay roll is Saturday-friday at midnight i always have 1500-3k of those miles roll over too the following pay period so it sucks cause you do these miles and they dont all make it on the same check.

    When i lived in cali i worked for another fedex contractor and they paid me for all my miles from the time i went out till i got home as long as it was before like monday or Tuesday bt noon basically as long as all those miles were completed before they process pay roll.

    Fedex is the easiest out of all these companies they dont have the most miles or freight for teams but even though i sit around and dont get paid which in return keeps me out longer then 5-6 days which gets stressful sitting around waiting cause you think you get to sleep then your phone rings like wtf then you dont sleep and stay up all night and get fatigued because your body is relaxed state now from sitting. Ill probably just stay with fedex till end of year or end of winter and see how i feel come spring time if i want to stay or not.. i want to leave but part of me feels its the same everywhere
    dwells40 Thanks this.
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  3. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky
    You just gotta find the contractor who owns the right route. Aside from benefits it’s an easy gig. Some offer decent insurance some non at all. Find the right guy you could make 2500 each driver a week. There’s your LTL money until you get out. No hazmat no slow period no seniority. Lot of people knock on ground but if you find the right guy you can make $. I been back here almost 2 years. I gross $2100 for 5 days and $2500
    For 6. If I ever do 6th it’s just 7 hours.
    dwells40 Thanks this.
  4. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    Thats amazing solo money fedex dont keep solo guys waiting no way.. fedex does a lot of good things i like flexible schedule is a plus. I usually never work 6 days so its my fault for not making more money and ill admit my own fault to be honest. We have a life outside of trucking and on my days off i just up keep and clean my house which is 4k square feet so a lot to maintain. Have to wash clothes and go grocery shopping and cook for to prep for the next week out.. dont have this much time or freedom anywhere else. So maybe i just need to do 24hr rolling resets and home and go back out for a few more days to complete my 6-7 days for that week and then come back home take 2 days off to regroup and repeat that will probably give me more rest and more manageable and less taxing on my body opposed to being out 6-7 days straight that 24hr reset at home in the middle of the week could possibly help more then i think have some beers and go in the pool and relax..
    dwells40 Thanks this.
  5. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022

    Is averitt any good for team drivers? Heard you have to wear those horrible ketchup red uniforms lol.. they pay decent as well but i think there trucks are pretty slow like 62-65mph..
  6. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky

    There not as good as r&l but they got good insurance
  7. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    D a m your the man lol you worked at every company or you just know a lot about every company .. still great info. Well i think if i decide to leave fedex its going to be r and l because there trucks have what i need and go fast or ups obviously assuming i can get hired off the street as a team driver but that certainly is never going to happen.. i guess once my wide decides shes had enough with trucking ill try solo and try ups id have a better chance feeder driver for ups then team off the street i guess id do solo ltl line haul if my wife decides to quit..
  8. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky
    got a few buddies around different places. My team partner spent 23 years with Averitt in their LTL side
  9. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022
    #### thats a long time at averitt guess it wasn't the worst ever then. Im glad i found you on this thread you are full of all the information i was looking for. For all the companies ive had question about which is a coincidence at just the right time when i needed this info the most.

    I hate waiting around for fedex loads but man there process is #### easy and i know how to stay one step ahead of them always which helps with stress.. i think my contractor stresses me out and pisses me off not fedex. Theres some great terminals for fedex and bad ones with all ltl for example ocala fl, olive branch ms, hagerstown md, Orlando fl if you live in the south or south east are very good terminals but dallas and houston and fortworth terminals sucks getting you out of there. Just my experience i understand how fedex dispatches so i ask for loads accordingly to where i am at on the map for example if im in ocala fl i tell them to send me to toledo ohio because its straight up the 75. If im in hagerstown md i say send me to orlando or ocala fl because there both off the 95s and if im in orlando or ocala fl i say send me to hagerstown lol.. so i look for the further hub off the same or closest fwy to the hub im currently delivering to and thats how i plan my next route where i want to go. Obviously i dont always get sent to these places but if the freight is there my weeks sometimes literally go exactly how i plan them not my contractor there idiots most of them are not all.

    Freight has been super slow so i haven't been able to plan my weeks and its been frustrating as all hell brand new freightliner 22 had 800 miles on now has 102k we put on it transmission took a because they dont up keep with there equipment when we tell them about things they just put it off so now i had to take today off. Who knows how long that will be at freightliner i reckon atleast a week.

    If they had 5800-7000 miles a week id be so okay with fedex for long term. I just run out of terminals 305 marietta Georgia has weak freight cant get no miles out of this terminal. Can usually always get a load but solo miles or 800 miles is the furthest or a headbutt for 1000 miles round trip is usually the best you can get but you can hardly even get those. But if you did 5 head buts its barely 5000-5200 miles not worth being out 6 days for that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2022
    Reason for edit: Skirting profanity filter
  10. jtaran06

    jtaran06 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    western ky

    Find a contractor has an assigned run. #### that wild crap. When I ran team at ground for a bit with my brother I had a bid. Nashville to Dallas. Then bobtail to Irving and go to tracy then straight back to Nashville 4 days out 3 home.

    I run a set run now. Same #### every night. Find a guy who’s got assigned runs and run the same #### every week like clock work
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2022
    dwells40 Thanks this.
  11. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022

    Yeah the thing is dedicated its next to impossible to get time off and you barely get a 34hr reset and always tired. We cook our own food, have to go grocery shopping, do laundry clean our house so 34hrs literally time speeds up on you and it feels like a 10hr reset not even a 34hr reset.

    Also i dont like any of fedex routes in the southeast they all suck and none are over 5400 miles max and in between loads theres like 8-12hrs down time because the loads aren't ready till 4-11am depending on what dedicated run so it doesn't quite run like clockwork. Nashville is the only one that probably has decent dedicated but thats 280 miles away from my house so thats not possible.

    Another thing about dedicated is your set in stone how much you can make but sure it is very consistent super boring and repetitive but money is consistent. No time to shower on dedicated runs at most companies. Fedex showers are disgusting the floor always gets flooded and half the terminals never have hott water. So i need to shower at a truck stop but not enough time.

    I have been thinking about it but honestly where i live they all get the same dedicated runs they just leave from different terminals how to do i know because ive ran them all mostly there usually 5-6 headbutt runs for 5000-5500 miles if your lucky.
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