Husband and Wife R&L 2021

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Cerberus XVI, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022

    I spoke with a gentleman at r and l, there paying 80 cpm for teams now so not to many companies are paying more then that estes advertise 77cpm for teams as max pay right now sure that will get bumped up soon. Old d i hear is in the 80-85cpm range only one paying more obviously ups at max pay like 94-96cpm but good luck getting that job. So basically r and l is in line with top paying team companies and if they have consistent miles you may work slightly harder and end up making close if not the same as other higher paying ltl companies.

    Im really considering i just need to re add my hazmat to my license.. im on the fence every day im like should i or shouldn't i switch companies hard decisions.. i know ill make way more money no matter what i choose so if money is most important then ill probably do it.
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  3. MSWS

    MSWS Medium Load Member

    Jun 30, 2022
    Glad I came across this thread. I got my CDL earlier this year and my wife is in the process of getting hers. We're really interested in team driving for an LTL company. I'll have to give R&L a look
  4. Nickanator1988

    Nickanator1988 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2022

    Im not positive but i think you have to have at least 1yr experience to work at any ltl companies. Unless you go through one of there credited cdl schools from there websites if they list them. Fedex if you want dedicated you will make decent money. you wont run that hard and they are laid back especially if you run wild you basically can create your own schedule and get home when you want if you run wild for fedex. But at fedex you will do a lot of sitting around waiting for loads especially right now freight has been very slow for all ltl companies from what im hearing.

    Old dominion, and estes have bare back trucks meaning they dont have refrigerator, no microwave, no inverters to power your appliances and probably cheap mattress that suck to sleep on and you probably will feel every bump in the road but they do pay well.

    R and l trucks are basically top notch team trucks they have all your essentials for teams to be comfortable. Same with fedex contractors there trucks are pretty good for teams as well.. As of now the hire paying team jobs are paying 75-85cpm on average. Not many paying 85cpm more are paying 75-78cpm so if say 80cpm is high in this market right now. Im sure in a year or two they will be paying 85-95cpm on average.

    If you like to run hard and dont care about the trucks luxury then old dominion pays the most followed by estes then r and l. If pay is your main motivation then old dominion from what i hear. But to be honest i think you will make the same at all three companies. I hear r and l teams run very well year round its very consistent. Regardless who you choose you will clear 90-120k gross a year per driver.
    MSWS Thanks this.
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