I -10 in cali

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by D.Tibbitt, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    I-10 shut down for nearly 15 hours in fatal semi truck overturn

    Anybody else get stuck in this crap?? Road was shut down for nearly 15 hours and then the head garment wearers decided to wreck on the detour route and have that shut down as well. Then when they opened i-10 back up, 30 mins later there was another wreck. Can't make this #### up

    Im glad i parked on a ramp a couple miles before the detour and called it a day..
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  3. LOTSO

    LOTSO Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2023
    They drive like maniacs on I10, I15, I40. 70+ MPH not exaggerating, and you won't see 1 CHP until that happens.
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