well Raphael i mean jarhead, maybe if you had given arrow longer than 3 months and not dead headed more than 650 miles to go home for a weekend, you would have a different perspective about arrow.
I always said I would be honest
Discussion in 'Arrow' started by 0ptimu5 Prime, Feb 29, 2008.
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Hi Kent. Actually, that 650 mile deadhead has nothing to do with my opinion of Arrow. Arrow is a different company than any I've flatbedded for, period. That is Arrow's thing. I had pretty much already figured I was leaving by that point, I went home to take my crap off the truck. My perspective of Arrow is based on what I've witnessed and experienced. Regional (at least SW Regional) does not pay. Longhaul (What Arrow calls Linehaul) makes much more money, no doubt. I chose regional based on what was promised (silly me for believing any promises from ANY trucking company).
What else you got for me, bud? -
oh i know why lol.
thought you had to be out of truck and totally off duty to get a restart not just sleeper birth....
Nope, you can legitimately get a restart sitting at a truckstop for 34 hours over a couple days, as long as they are continuous. If you live in Tx, and your at the end of your 70 in Maine, they wouldnt expect you to fly home for your 34 or go buy a hotel room.
I always put my restart time (when I knew I was going to get a restart) on line 1, but I've seen both. As long as you arent on 3 or 4 your good to go. -
I was courious as to what kind of trucks Arrow runs. Getting ready to go with Arrow on the 20th. Was thinking about TMC but I would have to be in some form of training for 5 weeks. I've been doing flatbed for a year. I don't know it all but I hope I know enough after a year to get on the road before that.
Freightliner Columbias and KW's. To tell the truth, you'd do better at TMC. Not sure about the 5 weeks training for an experienced driver. When I left, experienced drivers only had one week of orientation and two weeks training. -
Arrow has 04-06 Freightliner Columbias, 06-07 Kenworths T-600's, and 05-07 Internationals 9400 I's. When you finish orientation go to the lady that gives out the trucks and put in a request for what you want. She tries to get you what you request. If you look like a dirtball in orientation or have accidents on your record you will probably get a truck that fits your appearance and driving ability LMAO. My first truck was a 06 freightliner and I really liked it. It was clean and in good condition. Now I have an 07 International with an apu (there trying to equip their trucks with apu's now but probably only 1-5 have them at this time). If your an experienced driver you will only have one week of orientation and be assigned a truck (or be waiting for one) on Thursday unless you cant do basic driving and backing. Then they would send you out with a trainer for a couple weeks. However, if you can shift and back and drive without hitting anything you will not have to go with a trainer. Just be SAFE.
I personally am very happy with Arrow. I get on average about 2,800 miles a week. Down a little from last year but still do very well. I am linehaul and stay out 4-6 weeks at a time and take a week off. If your going to do regional dont bank on more than 2,000 a week. To be honest in Arrow if you take what loads they give you and communicate with your DM on what you want and need you will do very well. Oh, and no accidents, tickets, etc. Also, when you go to the shop make sure the inside of your truck is clean and not a pigpen. Things are noticed and personally if it were my company and a driver brought a truck in that was a mess inside it would be his last day working for me.
Hope that helps and dont listen to the negatives on Arrow in here. In my opinion those that complain about Arrow are the ones that just are not meant to be in this business. NOBODY that I have talked to on the road that was an Arrow driver has ever complained to me about miles, trucks, etc. that I have seen in truck stops or at the shop. Arrow hires a lot of people with records, accidents, etc. (god knows why, I wouldnt) and they are a second chance company and a new driver company in my opinion. With that your going to get drivers that just are not happy and/or screw up and are not given miles or good equipment. Thats just the nature of this business. -
Hey just wanted to dispel some of the stuff ive seen on here. I drive for arrow and I do have a few complaints but some of this stuff is rediculous. As far as miles go I get plenty. I got 2700 last week and Ive been home since wednesday for thanksgiving and I have a load waiting for me on monday morning that will get me about 850 miles. I know that arrow does have some older trucks but I have an 07 kw with an apu and its nice but some guys do have crappy trucks. Look at the facts before u listen to ######## its hard times in this country and the trucking companies are gettin hit like everybody else plus you have to remember its the slow season for flatbed. Even still I manage to get 2500 miles a week. The problem I have found with people that talk bad about a company is that they are usually lazy and complain about where they go so instead of dealing with them the company just starves them out and replaces them with someone who wont complain. There are companies out there that are worthless but I wouldnt say that about arrow. They do have problems like every other company but they arent horrible and I have no major issues with them except for a payroll issue that they did manage to clear up within a month. All I am saying is look at the big picture and dont base your opinions on what one person experienced. I havent lied about anything here because why would I? I enjoy running for arrow but if I thought I found something better I would probably switch but who wouldnt? That doesnt mean Im going to bash a company for no reason. Hope this helps
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