I am a Freight Broker at TQL - looking for conversation and dialogue

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Logistics_Bear, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Logistics_Bear

    Logistics_Bear Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    First off, I realize TQL has a bad reputation with many carriers and drivers out there. Frankly, this is not without reason. There are many brokers working at my company that treat drivers and carriers horribly. I have heard of and have personally seen instances where broker negligence was clearly happening and drivers were refused legitimate requests for detention, TONUs, or were intentionally given false information about pick ups and drops of a load. It is an unsustainable business model at best, and truthfully, a dishonest and deplorable way of conducting oneself that should be met with disciplinary action.

    If you have been involved in a situation like this, or have dealt with an impolite broker with our company, I truly regret this and apologize, for what that is worth.

    I rely on carriers for my business and livelihood. Carriers and drivers are putting in the long and hard miles, dealing with God knows what on the open road. Without you, I would not have a job. To those of you that are willing to work with us, even after being burned by a less than quality broker, thank you.

    I believe that brokers and carriers should have open and quality relationships. We provide a service to both our customers that need freight moved, and carriers that are looking for freight to move. No one can be 100% knowledgable of every market, and no one can always find freight to move in every corner of the country. It is my job to find you loads that pay a fair rate, find you backhauls to take you out of places that might not have many loads moving, and to provide you with accurate information regarding the loads I am working on. If a customer is not willing to pay a fair rate, I tell them I will not be able to move the load. There is no use in wasting my time and yours quoting lanes at ridiculously low rates. It offends you, and I have many other things I could be working on.

    Now, having said all of that, there are many shady carriers out there as well. I have personally dealt with them several times, so I understand your pain in dealing with shady brokers. Bad apples can be found anywhere in any industry. I truly wish there was a way to find polite and honest brokers / carriers to work with, so everyone can weed out the individuals that give the rest a bad name.

    Thanks everyone for reading. I've been lurking here for awhile, and I finally felt the need to stand up and begin a conversation. Again, I would not have a job without all of you, and I hope one day to provide you a load at a fair rate. I am also choosing not to disclose my identity or contact information - not really sure who reads this forum and not sure how this conversation will turn.

    If anyone has any questions for me - I will address them as honestly as possible. From company structure, my thoughts on dealing with bad brokers, margins brokers typically make on loads, anything is fair game. Ask away. I am open to any and all conversation and will be completely transparent. I have great carriers that I work with and would love to further build those relationships, whether it's with me directly or just with my company. There are brokers at TQL that care about carriers and understand that you are one of the most important variables in the equation.

    Thanks to anyone that reads this, and I am looking forward to any conversation possible.
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    1. offer me a good rate for a given load. Steady as she goes is how I like it. If you try to lowball me when there are lots of trucks, I will remember that and will gouge you (if I take the load at all) when it swings in my favor.
    2. do not ever offer me a "backhaul". Frankly, I don't ever want to hear the word. I don't want you to try to lock me into another load close to where I am delivering the load I am currently hauling for you. If it happens to be that it works, then maybe, but I am not going to lock anything in before checking out all my options first.
    3. there are good agents at tql and bad ones. The good ones I will haul for if I am available. The bad ones I will not even give the time of day. Talk down to me once, never load my truck. Goodbye.
    4. learn how to use a load board. If the load is in a small town PUT THE NAME OF THAT SMALL TOWN - NOT THE NEAREST METROPOLIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also list it ONE time. Exact city to exact city. The trucks you want to load will have a basic idea of a rate they want before they call you. Also, once you cover the load, please take it off the load board. If I always hear "sorry its already covered" then I will assume any load in the future that is posted is already covered and not bother calling.

    I am sure more will come to mind later ...
    TheFriscoKid, Sammybp, KB3MMX and 19 others Thank this.
  4. RenegadeTrucker

    RenegadeTrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    You always have the turds in the punch bowl where ever you are.

    It's been my experience however that Karma does work in this business.

    A few years back I picked up a load of steel plate going to Alcoa Tennessee out of Dundalk Maryland. The plates were 10' wide, 32' long and 2" thick.

    It wasn't paying exceptionally well but it was a load that I could have delivered overnight, so I took it.

    I got to the terminal about 8 am on a Wednesday, I was loaded, tarped and ready to roll by 9:30, we immediately applied for permits, and I sat and waited, and waited, and waited and waited, didn't get my DC permit until 2:00 in the afternoon, with Curfew being at 3, I had little choice but to shut down for the night and wait to roll in the morning since it was in the winter time and after curfew id only have been able to drive for an hour.

    The following morning (Thursday) I called the place I was delivering in Tennessee to let them know I would not be in until Friday morning, the guy on the phone informed me that they would not be open Friday that they were a union shop, that no one was allowed to work Fridays, that id have to deliver the load Monday.

    I called the broker, told her the issue, and when she found out I was still at Dundalk she had a conniption fit. I told her either they were going to have to unload me Friday, or they were going to have to pay me to sit the weekend to which she replied "You are going to take that load, you are going to deliver it Monday and you're not getting paid any extra for it." I replied "Oh really now?" and hung up the phone.

    I then called a local scap metal dealer and found out what they would give me per pound for said steel plates. I then turned around and went back into Dundalk and paid them 400 bucks to unload my trailer, I made a couple of phone calls found a load coming out of Shippensburg PA that actually paid much better and was dimensional.

    A couple of hours later my phone rang I answered, it was the broker, she asked me where I was, I told her I-81 Northbound in Pennsylvania. She asked me what I was doing, I told her going to get a load, she asked where her load was, my response was "Did you know that grade of stainless steel is scrapping for over 2.00 a pound right now?" The phone went silent, then click.

    My dispatcher told her Monday that the load was safe and sound sitting in Dundalk, we let her sweat it for the entire weekend because the way she had treated everyone at our company. Also added her to our black list.

    In the end she wound up looking really dumb, I made more than I would have even after considering the cost of unloading the trailer, and I got a good laugh out of it.

    The sad thing is a lot of drivers would have shut up and pulled that load.
    StrongArm, KB3MMX, whitewings and 17 others Thank this.
  5. Logistics_Bear

    Logistics_Bear Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    1. Lowballing trucks is a tactic some use, yes. On the other side of the coin, customers understand logistic markets as well. In certain areas - like Denver right now - the truck market is very loose. They are only willing to pay what the markets dictate, just like everyone else. Not to pass the blame, I understand some brokers will lowball at every chance. Some carriers will take it, some won't. Prices are dictated by the amount of freight and trucks in a specific area. I always do my absolute best to get $2/mile minimum for carriers that I work with, especially ones that I have worked with previously.

    2. What is the issue with backhauls? I hope no one ever books a load without exploring all options first, but sometimes I will offer carriers loads out of areas that I know are tough to find freight out of. If I do that, it is just me trying to offer solutions to a potential problem, not demeaning your ability to find your own loads.

    3. I whole heartedly agree, if there is a bad agent at TQL - do not work with them. It helps both you and me. I don't want bad brokers at TQL just as much as you do. Horror stories w/TQL only make my job harder to find good carriers to work with.

    4. This is an issue, I totally agree. There are brokers that will post loads into any city within a 500 mile radius, regardless if they have a load going into there or not. But the issue does not solely lie with brokers. Carrier companies also post available trucks multiple times in multiple cities. I have experienced carriers posting available trucks, and when I call them to see if their truck is available, it's - "I don't really have a truck there, I'm just seeing what the market is like in that area." Bad apples everywhere. Also, I have had issues with loads still showing as available after deleting them. Internet truck stop seems to be the worst for this. Not sure how to fix this issue, but it has happened to me before.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
    Timetravel and Loke Thank this.
  6. Logistics_Bear

    Logistics_Bear Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    Pretty great story, I laughed a few times.

    I can't believe the broker didn't reach out to you on Wednesday (or at least Thursday morning?) to make sure the loading and permit process went smoothly, especially considering the load was oversized. I'll admit, being blindsided with an issue is one of the most stressful parts of this job. However in my experience, the amount of success a broker has is directly in correlation to how they handle problems. Sounds like she probably wasn't the most successful broker. There are lots of children working for this company. Seems as if she fit that mold perfectly.
    carmensandieGObroker Thanks this.
  7. Pound Puppy

    Pound Puppy Heavy Load Member

    May 31, 2010
    Amherst, OH
    The issue withbackhauls is this;
    There is no such thing as a backhaul. Every load I haul has to be profitable for my business. Some brokers use the term "its a backhaul" to justify a low rate. To a large carrier I can understand backhaul. But to small and independent drivers, it doesnt exist.
    TmGM, Timetravel, KB3MMX and 15 others Thank this.
  8. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Another thing about the "backhaul" is how do you know the next location I am looking to go to or what my game plan is? I rarely go out then straight back to the house ...
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  9. kachup

    kachup Medium Load Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    TQL can go fly a kite
    DTP, 6wheeler, Feedlebum and 1 other person Thank this.
  10. Logistics_Bear

    Logistics_Bear Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    Point taken.

    Again, my offer of a second load is never intended to belittle your ability to find your own loads, only to attempt in solving a potential problem. If we are facing a holiday weekend, I will look for loads to take guys come from where I am delivering. No harm intended. And just because it is a back haul or a reload, does not mean the rate should be cut.
    Timetravel Thanks this.
  11. Logistics_Bear

    Logistics_Bear Bobtail Member

    Jul 1, 2014
    Pretty simple, I just ask. Are you looking to get home for the weekend? Where are you looking to head next? I'll do my best to help. If I can't find anything for a rate that you want, no harm. I enjoy building relationships with people I do business with. I want you guys to get home with your families as well.

    Honestly, I did not know backhaul was a dirty word. I'll keep that in mind.
    Timetravel, Loke and jasonrappss Thank this.
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