I am a Freight Broker at TQL - looking for conversation and dialogue

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Logistics_Bear, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Nice true blue!

    What gets me with TQL (and sometimes, but not as often with other large brokerages) is their posting the same load using various different origins and destinations... Or the notorious bait and switch, "oh THAT load got covered, but I have this one"... Sigh
    KB3MMX and mhyn Thank this.
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  3. true blue

    true blue Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2011
    Harrisburg, NC
    You're right, Lady K. TQL is notorious for that, and a couple of other brokers. They're the ones I've stopped calling on their loads. Since they don't have the decency to post it as it really is, they tick me off when I waste my cell phone batteries on their stupid post. Or, if I'm home, it's still a waste of time. I boycotted them, unless I'm stuck in an area and have to make the call. If it's still a fishing post, then I just hang up on them.
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  4. chimbotano

    chimbotano Heavy Load Member

    Apr 21, 2013
  5. Flipflops

    Flipflops Heavy Load Member

    Oct 18, 2015
    jusg book a load with TQL to cancel on it 30 mins before pick up. Who seriously cares about them? I don't. And I find joy to give them the worst services and so on. No matter how many times I block them or they black liste they call somehow. From now on I book every load and never show up for any. #### them!!!
    old iron Thanks this.
  6. Skate-Board

    Skate-Board Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2014
    Merrimack, NH
    Just noticed Lady K's avatar. Geezus, ever heard of a razor or No No for women?
    Flipflops Thanks this.
  7. aussiejosh

    aussiejosh Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Airlie Beach QLd
    I'd thought about starting up my own company however when i see the issues that O/O have with brokers i think i'd rather just drive for someone else and let them handle the stress of finding loads and collecting money. The issue about trucks being available or loads could be resolved if you used the system the taxi industry uses, a cab will log into a suburb or city which shows its available once it gets a job it gets logged out so only available vehicles are listed. No time wasted calling booked vehicles, jobs are offered to available cabs and they can except or reject the job, it goes down the rank until someone accepts the job, can't see why this system wouldn't work with shipping and brokers for load allocation.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  8. BoazTrucker

    BoazTrucker Light Load Member

    May 3, 2013
    Northeast Alabama
    ME:"Im calling about that load in Huntsville, AL...."
    BROKER:"Yeah it actually picks up 418 miles away in St Louis"
    KB3MMX Thanks this.
  9. coffee mug

    coffee mug Light Load Member

    Jan 22, 2016
  10. Flipflops

    Flipflops Heavy Load Member

    Oct 18, 2015
    me: I see you have a load in St. Louis
    tQL: yeah it's going to Miami for $1300.
    Me: 1300 to miami???!?! I need $5000
    Tql: we got a guy in Huntsville,AL willing to do it for $1400, but you're closer so you can do it for $1300

    KB3MMX, BoazTrucker and scottied67 Thank this.
  11. whitewings

    whitewings Light Load Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    Hello did you guys lose the Dhl account out of Hebron Kentucky
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