I got an offer from CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Mklangelo, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. Shadow_D

    Shadow_D Bobtail Member

    Mar 21, 2008
    Schenectady, NY
    I worked for England for about 4 months and at first it was great (or so I thought, this was my first job driving truck)
    After I got sick and was shut down by my safety officer in St Louis and reported to the hospital I returned home to see my regular Dr. After the alloted time I was told I no longer had a job and have not been able to get a job in the trucking industry sense.....
    I am in the process of attempting to get a copy of my D.A.C. (dazed and confused) to see what CRE has put in there. I am thinking they hit me with an abandoned truck, if they did, can I sew them for lost wages or am I screwed?
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  3. Wannabeatrucker

    Wannabeatrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    Louisville, KY
    I recently had my license suspended over 3 years ago. I was in the military and forgot all about the ticket I had and i deployed overseas to Iraq. I got out of the military when I came back and moved to Kentucky. I found out my license was suspended. I just got all of that cleared back up and got my license back this month. Will any company hire me? HELP!!!
  4. 40Short

    40Short Bobtail Member

    Apr 10, 2008
    Dallas, TX
    CRE is good if you have never drove a truck. That will be the closest thing I will say nice about that company. CRE's driving classes are about the most easy thing to do. 99% waiting 0.01% Paperwork instruction, 0.9% drive around the coarse (which is a joke). Cost $3500. Salt Lake site (with the exception of the Bank and Phone Kiosk) Kitchen, games, pool tables, juke box, is own by CRE. They charge you for everything except the 2" thick foam mattress you sleep on. You get sent to the terminal expect to stay 1 week. They call it "Checking in" If you lease(which I didn't) it will cost even more
  5. iowabmw

    iowabmw Medium Load Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Quad Cities, IA
    I worked for CRE and would NEVER go back.. If you like to be home, forget it! Whatever you do NEVER, EVER LEASE FROM THEM!
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